does anyone know what the email address for the diving school in icmeler.
thanks kc
http://www.europeandiving.co.uk -they are excellent and always well recommended. We have used them numerous times both in icmeler and olu deniz
the marmaris centre is actually in icmeler.

the marmaris centre is actually in icmeler.
thank you Lyn xxx
As Lyn suggested, go with EDC, they are a top dive centre. I'll be diving with them for the 4th time in September. Of all the diving centres I've used, EDC is probably No1. Just a shame the diving around the Marmaris / Icmeler area isn't a bit more scenic otherwise they'd be the ultimate! This is one of my videos, filmed when I dived with them last year which you may be interested in.

Not decided whether to take the camera again this year, I think I've filmed everything there is to see!
Happy diving,
Thanks for video..wish it was me diving, but i am frightened of water!!!! Hubby has always wanted to give it a go, he spends must of the 2 weeks snorkelling, so this is the ultimate pressie for him!!
thanks kc
Let us know how he gets on and have a fantastic holiday. I'll be joining you 5 weeks on friday!
Looked at all your videos, looks fantastic, tried diving once in Cyprus on one of there try it days but couldn't get the hang of clearing my mask of water so gave up, just snorkel a bit now, I would love to take some video while snokeling but don't want to spend £100's on an underwater case for my panasonic minidv camera, can you recommend a cheap housing for say 10-15ft depth that I could look at.
Sorry mods this being slightly off topic.
p.s. Also flying out to Icmeler 5 weeks on Friday

This is the camera I use! As the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. I'm not sure about housings for Panasonic cameras as I use Sony, but I wouldn't recommend the use of a cheap housing. I've seen too many people jump in to the water with their expensive cameras ina cheap plastic housing too many times, all excited about capturing the underwater scenery for them to resurface with a housing full of water, camera ruined. It may not the be housings fault as it only takes a single grain of sand or a hair in the 0-ring seat to break the seal, but I wouldn't trust an expensive camera in a cheap plastic housing.
Have you hada look at Cameras Underwater?. You might be able to find something for your camera their.
Who are you flying with? I might be on the same flight as you!
Hi daz,
Dont suppose you can remember roughly how much it was to dive in Icmeler?
There should be a price list on EDC's website, the link is above. From memory, its about £30 a day which includes everything, equipment, lunch, two dives (extra lunchtime dive was £8 ) and transferes if needed. That was roughly what is was last year, although the price does vary depending on if you book one or several days as a package (I had a 5 day package which is what these prices are based on).

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