We have finally decided to go back to fuerteventura.
Im trying to do a DIY as I think its the best option for us as we are on limited budgets.
Other than Ryanair, Easyjet, Monarch & Thomascook who else flys to Fuerte?
So far the cheapest is Ryanair £1196 including bagage on 27th Aug for 7 of us (4 Adults & 3 children aged 7,8 & 14) . Or £1091 flying on 26th. Flying from any london airport.
Do you think I will get any better than that?
We are also looking at staying at the Castillo San Jorge All Inc 14 nights, cheapest so far is with Travelrepublic £3207 on 27th Aug.
So guys should I go ahead with this or can you guys find anything better!?