But, I'm amazed that passengers sit there filling in these questionaires and discuss between their partners which box to tick or ask "how much is our income per annum".?

Questions asking which bank I use or do I have a credit card,? what paper do I read and the make of my car? my income bracket blah blah blah.........you get the picture that they are collecting information which has nothing to do with anybody else apart from me.
At the end of the "survey" there's a little box to tick to say you don't want any other party sharing this information, but I wonder just how many companies actually adhere to the "ticked box request"?
You end up with spam mail dropping through your letterbox from companies who you have never dealt with, and you wonder just how the eck did they get your details.
Anyway, there's a good article in today's Times newspaper......
It's a bit long, but bear with it and read it.
The message is quite clear......Keep your private details PRIVATE and Zip it.:zip