Wine tasting? I had expected a bit of information detailing the particular wines and what we would be looking for in both smell and taste along with matching it to food.
Nothing like this happened, in fact there wasn't even an introduction, we were handed a list and sent off in the direction of the wines of which there were around 50 types on offer.
No spittoons provided so it was down the hatch, some people managed exceptionally well at this, whereas if I don't like a particular wine I just won't drink it.
Try as many wines as often as you like seemed be the order of the day, again some were obviously making the most of that, especially when it only cost £9.99 on one of those 'deal of the day' type offers.
The company I think were hoping for us 'Wine Experts' to place some orders, however when the sales rep can't even tell the difference between a Merlot and a Chablis because she is just filling in for her sister-in-law the opportunity for them was lost and I though the wines were very poor in any case.
I have been to a few wine tasting which have been very professional and the representatives have been knowledgeable and informative, all I can say about last night was that it was just an excuse for a p**s up.