I've sent you a PM Shirley
Just wanted to put this new thread as a reminder as I know I have become somewhat complacent about getting friendly with dogs (and cats) in Goa and I probably have more reason than most to use some common sense:-
In 2000 (i think it was) a friend of ours got bitten by a beach dog who was shading itself under his table at a shack. He thought "must remember the dog is there when I stand up - don't want to tread on it" - guess what? He forgot and yes he trod on the dog which then bit him. He had to undergo the rabies injections in Goa. This is how we met this particular friend and his wife, they returned to the "Silent Retreat" (now Neelams) and his wife was in pieces. We all rallied around them to support them and thankfully the story ended happily and we have been friends ever since.
I also got bitten, this time it was at a Goan friends house. The dog just jumped at me and snapped at my leg - hardly broke the skin, just a bruise and a tooth mark. I sterilised the area as soon as I returned to our hotel and thought no more about it
When I returned to the UK I thought I'd better speak to my GP just to be on the safe side and all hell broke loose. GP was on the phone quick smart to some rabies expert and the relevant stuff was located so that I could start the injections. The first one (was on my birthday of all days) and OMG it hurt, the next 2 weren't so bad. I became a bit of a celebrity among the nursing staff at the surgery as they'd never had anyone come in for rabies injections EVER before - thankfully I also lived to tell the tale.
I expect that another cull will occur if there are more cases reported in the papers.
Just to say, don't be put off trying Goa, there aren't nearly as many stray dogs as there used to be - if you aren't a doggy person (and even if you are) just be aware and give them a wide berth if you have any doubts as to a dogs health.