Here is a start for info on the entering and exiting the DR if you have any questions just get in touch, we are frequent visitors to the DR.
Here is a list of how the process goes:-
On your flight you will be given a Blue Immigration form each to fill in.
Then on arrival you will purchase your Tourist Card at the booth.
Hand tourist card in about 20 paces from where you bought it just before passport control.
At passport control hand in blue immigration form with passport to be checked.
Go to luggage reclaim to collect luggage and pick up NEW White Customs Declaration Form, filling it in while waiting for luggage.
Give in new customs declaration form to people at customs on exiting airport.
Here is a sample card in this link.
Hope this is of help to you.
Oh, on the way back to the UK you need to fill in another Blue Immigration form,get this from your Rep. in resort, it will save you time, also another White Customs Declaration form has to be filled in, so pick up enough on your entry then you can have them filled in for your departure.