I cant decide on where to go. We have narrowed it down to Bamburi beach hotel in Kenya for and all time different holiday experience and the Gran ventana beach resort in the dominican. 2 totaly different holidays I know but I cant decide. We have just come back from Cuba and have been spoiled.
Points to consider. We have 2 kids aged 9 and 2. I dont think they would take malaria tablets so is there an alternative such as injection?
Also The bamburi beach is a small hotel and I have read that the "touts" really hassle tourist. With 2 young kids this is a concern esspecially the malaria tabs.
Gran ventana looks nice but I would worry about the kids getting sick in the dom rep. Although I havent read of anyone getting really ill at this particular hotel.
The pool at the gran ventana is ideal for our kids as they love the pool but Im not sure how big and shallow the pool is in bamburi in Kenya. I cant confine a 9 year old to a paddling pool for 2 weeks.
Anyway any help and advice would be great, thanks
Plus, you don't say when you are looking at going, but if it's in the next few months, it'll be hurricane season in the Caribbean, something else to consider.
Just a personal view - haven't been to DR but have been to Caribbean twice - once with young kids and once without and have done Kenya without kids and going again in a few weeks (again without the kids). The kids still rate the Caribbean as their favourite holiday (other than Orlando!) and I had a great time too. I have not yet taken them to Kenya as, in my opinion, you can't go without doing at least a short safari and I personally, would not take my kids on safari until they are a little older and able to appreciate it and not stop the enjoyment of others as the journeys can be long, hot and dusty etc. So my personal opinion is to save Kenya with the kids until they are older and can enjoy better everything that Kenya has to offer. Having said that, Kenya is still my personal favourite holiday destination!
Also with the dominican, im not meaning to speculate, but if for any reason (this is why i cant go there) your children have different fathers, you need written legal permission from the father to allow them to enter the country.
You can have the usual ups and downs with tummy trouble in either of the destinations you have chosen, so take the usual care wherever you decide to go!
Have a great honeymoon!!
Caroline & Kirsten

Please do choose kenya.We have been taking our granddaughter with us there since she was two she will be nine this time,and have had no problems whatsoever.She has been on safari every time and can`t wait for our return in july/august. The first time we took her on safari we only did one night two days.She was so upset because we didn`t stay on safari longer.Whe we have her with us once a year we do book the 5 and 6 star camps and lodges and it need not be expensive if you go to the right safari company.The safari we are doing this time is 5 star killaguni,6 star galdessa and 5 star tortillis in amboseli.We are only paying £350 per adult and £175 per child.For this we are getting all the camps and lodges.Two landcruisers not mini buses,all safaris and all food and drink.One company wanted over £1,000 each for the same itinerary we have booked.The company you want to book with is dmtours@africaonline.kenya.We have been on safari with them many times and can highly reccommend them.I personally take malarone malaria tablets each day but my husband and granddaughter always take lariam .The little ones only take half once a week which can be crushed in a little chocolate spread or jam.
Fabulous place!Visited the Bamburi Beach for the day as hubby had a fishing trip organised from there!Seemed quite child friendly with a lovely pool.As for safaris-we did the early(V.earlydeparture!)day 1 where we saw lions elephants plus many more!The people there are so lovely and the children are adorable.Please take some pens/pencils with you for the children-they wanted to buy a pen off me for school=obviously i gave it to them plus others i begged from other travellers!!
We went in march-just before the rains came-and humidity was quite high.
You do get hassled by the beach boys but a firm no and a smile usually did the trick!
Wherever you choose,have a lovely time,i have travelled to many places but Kenya has a special place in my heart and i hope to return there some day.

Not been to Kenya but have been to Gran Ventana last June.
Our 3 families travelled with 4 children ages from 2-14 and sickness was never an issue. The food is good and you have all the al a carte restaurants to go to too!!
The weather was very very very hot!!! We actually had a clock with temp gauge on it and it was 49 degrees at noon

Just remember that this is a poor country and the hotels may have a 5star rating but I would say they are about 3 Star.:idea:
Still had a great holiday - the kids loved the snorkling trips and we loved the hotels cocktails!!

After a few weeks of being undecided we have decided to go to Kenya. In nov/dec it is monsoon season in the dom rep apparantley. Also what a fab experience going to Kenya. I cant wait now.
Only thing I'm a bit peeved with now is that the yellow fever jabs are £40 per person!! Thats another £160 on top of the holiday. Never mind, we'll just have beans on toast at home every night for the next 5 months! Lol!
Thought i'd better let you know, forewarned is forearmed!
Have a great trip, im sure you will all love it! i know me and my daughter do.
Caroline & Kirsten

Take the highest sun tan protection you can for the children.they will need it and if you are fair skinned please do not lie in the sun at midday!Being so close to the Equator,it is so different to the sun/heat in the likes of Greece etc!
Where are you going to stay?The Likoni Ferry is some experience(if you choose to go South,you have to go on the ferry!)I will never forget offering our waiter a sweet one day(i bought a bag of them for 50p in the hotel shop!) He was so thrilled,that i told him to take them home for his 2 children.He was overcome with emotion because his wages did not allow for treats for the children etc!They are such humble people and nothing is too much trouble for them!If you decide on any trips whilst you are there,i can reccomend Wassini Island.a dhow fishing boat takes you there! Dolphins were swimming alongside the boat!It was so magical to see that!I'm sure the children would love that!Stopped off then for some snorkelling-i can't swim!!! but they had a glass bottom boat for non-swimmers! What beautiful fish!The marine life is amazing! Could go on forever! I'm so envious.Maybe i forsake Corfu(Which i love too!) in september for Kenya in December!!! Please let us know where you decide on and if you want any more info please do not hesitate to ask!
Byee Sue
p.s. you might see 1 of these there!!

We are staying at the bamburi beach hotel. I cant wait now. As there are 4 of us we have trouble fitting in 1 room and it was quite a good price with eclipse. Any tips would be much appreciated such as what clothes to take, night temperatures etc. Anyway must dash kids in need, lol!!
Thanks, Becky.
The nights were a little cooler-but not much!We did have air conditioning in our rondel(room with a thatched roof!) which helped!I would suggest loose cotton clothing or linen if you don't mind the creasing!We took malaria tablets but have to say they made me feel quite ill for the first few days.(we booked a late deal so hadn't taken them for long before we got there.)We stayed at the Shelly Beach and the dress code was quite casual there.Only had 1 insect bite whilst there-which was excellent for me as i seem to attract all sorts!The food was good and the fresh fruit was delicious!English breakfast if you wanted it and pizzas etc were available! Do not wear much jewellery when out and about,it just advertises that we are much better off than others.The Kenyans adore children and will make them and yourselves very welcome.Seeing the animals in their own habitat is amazing it's an experience not to be missed! Please let me know how you get on and keep in touch if you need any more info!Can't wait to hear your review when you get back!
Best wishes

My husband caught a horrid bug in D.R. but never experienced any illness in Kenya in 3 years!

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