Becky they will sell sandwiches, cuppa soups, chocolate, pringles and a variety of drinks.
thanks for the quick reply Gemma
They will be around several times during your flight with refreshments and the usual duty free goods, so you do not have to take sandwiches, but of course if you would like to you can

has anyone used easyjet from gatwick to dalaman this year wondering what was service like any in flight entertainment ,food , overall experence
Easy Jet is a no frills airline and there is certainly no entertainment only perhaps some of the other passengers, if you want anything to eat and drink you must pay for it.
Returned from Dalaman last Thursday with easyjet. A film was shown on both journeys.
That maybe because some of the routes were the GB ones which Easyjet have now taken over and also the GB planes had entertainment systems onboard.
We are flying to Valencia from Stansted on Saturday and speedy boarding is still available at a total cost of £26 (2 of us return). It would appear that there are dedicated check in desks at Stansted but not Valencia.
We will be at the airport over 2 hours before our flight anyway and will check in straight away (hopefully). Also not too bothered about getting a window seat - one either side of aisle is fine with us.
I don't think so, as you say you will be at the airport as the desk opens for check in, We have only flown on two occassions with EJ and have checked in early both times and placed in section A, the EJ staff have controllled things well keeping passengers to their allotted slots and we have had a choice of suitable seats. This opinion has been based on our experience, I look for value when flying and what with charges for bags, check in etc the £26 is too much for me and does not represent value but for those with children it can save worry.
finally got a reply from Easyjet to say that they are sending me an insurance letter. They also want me to write or email them to say that I want the seats to be released - bit of a cheek really considering the fact that I can't get any money back off them! I'm not cancelling the seats yet though as I am waiting to see if the November flights will go on sale before 19th June and have also asked my friend to ask her GP if he will fill in the travel insurance forms (it was her surgeon who refused!)
Thanks David - think I'll save the £26 for something better!!
scrum and onto the plane fast. Also, just chance your luck and go up to board with speedy boarders. I always get on and I haven't paid for it. Some airports are better than others.
Why can't people act in an orderly manner instead of just barging through regardless of who they are pushing out of the way.

The trouble is Easyjet don't police their bording procedures properly, they rely on people acting decently and this allows ignorant people to take advantage. The scrum that takes place round the entrance from the gate down to where you get to go on the plane is one of the most unpleasant aspects of an Easyjet flight and shows many people at their very worst. I do to a certain extent blame Easyjet though as they have taken extra money off of people for priority boarding and should ensure that is what they get. It cant be rocket science to sort it out. I have seen the elderly pushed out of the way by the young, but few care about that kind of thing these days.
I am sure it would not cost Easyjet much to allocate seats - I'm sure it would actually speed up boarding as everyone would know where they were to sit.
Whether we book any more flights with them will depend on how these flights go I think. We have flown twice with them before - once to Palma and once to Valencia and it wasn't too bad but the flights were not full and on the Palma one I was using crutches so some people (but by no means all) did let me through.
This might sound like a bit for the Easyjet defence in a way. When i fly with Easyjet from my local airport to where I'm going. The ground staff (not actually Easyjet staff - it's handling agents they use) will tell passengers who are trying to barge through, e.g on group B but trying to board with group A or with speedy boarders, they will get told to get back until the group they are in are called. And they are not happy - my view is, should've checked in earlier if they could. But, at other airports it's a scrum/race to try and get on the plane first.
Yes Miss Highlander, That has been our experience on the two flights we have taken with EJ, I felt that the ground staff did a very good job in quite difficult circumstances unfortunately for them dealing with absolute chancers. I am very happy to fly Easy Jet and look forward to Madrid in September.

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