I have been deliberating for ages over a holiday to Egypt.
I have seen some fantastic looking bargains for 5* hotels, that look really amazing.
The one thing that has always put me off is the quality of entertainment offered.
I have spoken to loads of people who love Egypt and have had great holidays there.
When I ask the question about entertainment (especially at night) I always get the same answer. Mostly that it is rubbish....or that it just does not cater in anyway to British tastes.
Is there anyone out there that has stayed in a hotel in Egypt and can recommend it for entertainment options?
I would like to go here, but really need something to watch in the evenings.
I chose this hotel because of this as I like to be entertained on an evening.If you look at the reviews there are lots of photos.
Its classified as a 4 star because it is a Holiday Village,which for some reason cant be classed as 5 star but it beats many 5 star hotels I have stayed in elsewhere.Dont be swayed by the 5star bargains as the ones I have been offered have been equivalent to a 3 star when I checked the reviews.The real 5star hotels are never available at a bargain price.
The Holiday Village? Who do you book that through?
Actually one of the 5* hotels I found, a friend has stayed in and said that apart from the entertainment, it was beautiful. But I do appreciate what you are saying.
We usually stay in Riu Hotels in the Caribbean, these offer brilliant value and some much comes in the AI deals.
But they are not true 5*'s either in the British sense.

You can book the Holiday Village through First Choice. Its got is own thread on here somewhere if you have a bit of a search.
I have stayed at the Rui Merengue in the Dominican and I would say the HV is about the same standard.
My friend stayed at the Jazz Mirabelle beach last November and whilst she said it was a beautiful hotel is was very quiet on an evening.The HV also has a high percentage of guests from the UK.
In the marina on a friday night is party night, which is huge, and a large stage is set up on the marina itself, and all the cafes set out tables and chairs and they have very good acts, a big variety. Then on a Saturday night [I am sure thats what it was last year] they have another night downtown which was similar, but lower key. Also in tamr Henna area they have entertainment too. Then there is the beach parties at Mangroovy beach twice a week.
In El GOUna there is loads going on which you can take or leave. Can thoroughly recommend.
Do you think that the price they are charging, prohibits them from paying out extra for good entertainment. Maybe if everyone goes to bed or leaves the hotels and goes into town, they save a big amount on the drinks they have to give away?
What do others think?
We go to Egypt now every easter Lorraine and I just think "They havnt got it " yet. It is still very much a "chilled" destination but with the large amount of families now going I believe the hotels need to turn their attention to the entertainment they provide . I personally dont think its a case of saving on the drinks because in many cases the hotels provide an excellent standard of A/I. the hotels, the grounds and facilities are spot on but I will admit its not a "late night" destination and maybe the Egptians dont want to encourage any different . I certainly think it would spoil the Red sea if it turns into a late night destination because much of its attraction is its peace and beauty . Early morning is the best time IMO . mornings are hotter which means their days start and finish earlier , but it would be interesting to hear from anybody that could comment on how the hotels prioritise their budgets.
I do know that the entertainment at the Jolie-ville hotel at the end of Naama bay is particularly good, we go there most nights, and ranging from singers and acts who perform amazing tricks, and the usual Egyptian style acts, fabulous meals here as well.
Expectations on entertainment seem to differ for folk on differing food boards. When folk are AI their evening meal seems only to take an hour & therefore their expectation is that there will be some kind of laid on entertainment.
When people go B&B they seem to leave their hotels get a cab to NB etc, have a mosey round the shops, pick a restaurant, have a leisurely meal & couple of drinks & take a cab back. This tends to take three or so hours & is their evening entertainment.
I have stayed in 2 excellent 5* hotels on BnB, stunning grounds, great staff, beautiful pools, lovely rooms, both times the entertainment was virtually non existent. They did have Shisha cafes & various resataurants, but no man in a twirling skirt or any of the other traditional Egyptian entertainment.
I am not sure who would provide it. There are not large teams of FC reps at most hotels to put on 'shows' like in large hotels in Greece and Spain. One Thomson rep covered about 8 hotels. I can't see the Egyptians wanting to provide this type of entertainment & even if they did many hotels are Russian dominated so they would probably try to entertain the majority nation.
Perhaps the above is why places like the Holiday Village and Coral Sea resort are so popluar.

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