Hiya Suzie,
Stop adding, just get booking.......too many hotels for plenty more holidays, your poor hubby, we will have to club together to buy him a toupee' lol
Just get one booked TODAY.
We are off to the Voyage Torba, can't wait, love the peninsula sooooooooooo much, and you can add this one to your list FOR NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please tell me later you have booked something, even if it is a haven holiday.
You will adore the Peninsula, and the WOW is just an excellent hotel. We loved it, the entertainment was first class, the staff are generous, helpful and very welcoming and the views from the lighthouse bar at night is wonderful. Make sure you do get out and about though, jump on a Dolmus and hit the market in Turgutreis on a Saturday morning, stop off at one of the little cafes for a drink, Cool Breeze near the beach is excellent, and just chill with a few bags of bargains. Turkish Lira here, so no rooting for euros, and not expensive as some resorts. Side is a lovely place, we always like to take a trip into the town when we go into Antalya, but, the peninsula is where our hearts are, too beautiful to miss.
If you go onto holiday check site, or google in the Kefaluka Resort, have a look at the Turkish sites, and hit the translate icon, have a look at what they are saying........there are a few negatives, but, I suspect that is because it's a new hotel (09) and a few teething problems to be sorted, it can only get better, and the area it is in is beautiful.
So, will speak soon, and you Suzie, get your holiday booked, we all are waiting with clenched teeth and headaches.
Trifle "B"