normally it is still very warm in the evenings but earlier this year there were a couple of weeks where it got very chilly in the evenings compared to the day time temperature and I needed a shawl when I went out.
Smart shorts and shirt are quite acceptable in the majority of restaurants but hubby tends to wear trousers if we are going out early evening, to cover up from the mozzies!
We were there in November last year and the hotel was out of the built up area and it did get quite cool at night.So take a cardy, men are a bit more hardy than the ladies ??

Not much dress code anywhere in Goa, most people wear shorts, nothing dressy, it would only get covered in the red dirt or other substances found on the roadside.
One advantage is to wear trousers to protect you , otherwise go to the Chemist and get some odomos and slap in on the bits that show.
Buy yourself a nice pashmina when you get over there, they are ideal for cooler evenings. My OH takes a couple of pairs of lightweight trousers for the evenings as for myself I often wear cropped legged trousers and slap on the odomos on my exposed bits
thank you all for all your advice ,you have been very helpful
Generally the coolest evenings are Dec/January, but if you're just walking around you shouldn't feel too cold, if you're staying in beach huts around this time you will need a blnket as the breeze from the sea can feel quite chilly. Also if you'll be going on a bike early in the morning or in the evening you might have to wrap up warm as again the breeze does have a chill to it. Long trousers / skirt should normally be ok otherwise....
yes definitely chilly in the evenings...and freezing on the bile at night
I expect it is cold on the bike as well!!!!!!!!Sorry,Paula
yes definitely chilly in the evenings...and freezing on the bile at nightwell i am!!
I didn't like to comment I thought it may have been a personal problem

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