Me too Lassigirl!
I think me and my lot are sociable creatures, and we
always meet new people on holiday.
For the most part we love it, it's an essential part of our holiday from which many lasting friendships
have borne fruition.
(This is also why we don't holiday in villa's - we love the social interaction that hotels and apartments bring.)
But we nearly always meet some people who we really don't like but are polite to, and others that are
ok in small doses, but for some reason seem to want us as their new best friends!
(And this does tend to happen on most holidays.

So we usually do find ourselves avoiding certain places we know or think they are going to be.
You know, daft as it sounds, this is the main thing that puts me off going on a cruise.
I know that the cruise ships are HUGE, but the thought of being stuck on a ship and maybe
having to spend precious holiday time avoiding some people fills me with utter dread.
My poor husband, being an ex-sailor, would love to go on a cruise, but it's really a major problem
for me. Daft? Maybe.

But it's just the way I feel.
Jeez, this makes me sounds really anti-social doesn't it?