Hi all, just back from yet another fantastic holiday in Malta, I have said it before and will say it again but it just gets better and better, last week Mrs Sliema2 and I did five decent sized country walks on the Island and they were superb, as I was walking I thought that we had never talked about our favourite walks so I thought we couls share ours with you and you guys could put yours on the forum, Mrs S2 and I are fully fledged members of the Malta walkers Association so any we get on here I can share with the rest of the members and of course vice versa, anyhoo in no particular order are some of our best walks, the start and finishing points are in bold and the places in between signify the general direction our walks take.
Naxxar-Ghargur-Madliena-Bahar Ic Cagha
Xemijia-Manikata-Golden Bay-Mgarr
Marsaxlokk-Ta Silg-Zejtun- Tarxien-Ghaxaq
Clapham Junction (Cart Ruts)-Girgenti-Siggiewi-Qrendi
Mtarfa-Fiddien-Rabat (Nigretti)-Bahrija
Kalkara (Cappuccini)-Kalkara Creek-Birgu-Senglea
Marsasacala-Zonqor Point-Xghajra
Ok so there are a few of them, so lets hete yours chaps as you may all have some crackers that we could all use, also if anyone has any questions about any of the above let me know and I will do my best to answer them.
You need to join this, it costs peanuts and they'll show you walks you never knew existed:
Hi Openminded, we are already members of this but thank you for pointing it out anyway.

Still, I think attitudes like that are slowly dying out and their demise will accelerate as more of the younger population travel and see what can be achieved in Malta with ideas from other countries.
Yes, some excellent info there. We love to walk around Malta and what a way to work up a thirst!! Although I drive in Malta I have to say that zipping along the road means you miss so much!
Will certainly consider joining the Malta walkers Association,
Hello all, the longest walk I have ever done on Malta was from Valletta bus station back to our hotel in Sliema one new years day, when the buses had a few hours of for dinner, other than this it has to hotel to pub and back.
Sannat - Mgarr Ix Xini - Mgarr
Mgarr - Hondoq
and here is a great description of a walk from Hondoq to Marsalforn
combining these three walks takes you just over half way round Gozo, from Sannat to Marsalforn. Its the harder half - takes about 7-8 hours - all the way round the island is about 12 hours
Hi Trev and Ghawdex Mark, thank you both for replying, although when I posted this topic I knew that you would both have an input, however I'm surprised that with the exception of openminded and Dave's honest reply that no one else has replied, does this mean as I expected that most uk visitors to the Maltese Islands don't know there way around except for hotel to tourist hotspot back to the hotel again ? and not off the beaten track where they will find the "real Malta" other than the touristy version, if so maybe this is where the pathetic and tedious "love or hate" rubbish springs from in the fact that people don't know or see the real Malta ?, one of the reasons that I posted this was for this reason as I was interested in just how much people knew and so far my hunch seems to be proving right although I do look forward to being proved wrong.
oooooooooooerrrrrrrrrrrrr Sliema there are some of us that don't particularly like 'walking' great distances, I do walk but not to that extent. Some of us still find the 'real' Malta but by other transport ie buses, cars and boats. I find you remarks rather presumptious!!!!
Hi Charlie I think you have misunderstood me, of course no offense intended, especially to our regular contributors such as yourself, but more an inquisitive topic for those who go to Malta and don't return for whatever daft reason, it's more about the destinations and what lies between other than the distances involved, I am aware you love it and know it well, believe me this is not intended for any of the regular posters on here who by definition of there many visits to Malta and wonderfull input on here meaning they do not fall into this criteria, hope that clarifies it all, so please can we be chums again ? if so I promise to give you a bite of my cream egg in the playground at breaktime.

Gozo and Malta countryside walks
Good site Mark, I always wanted to know were the burial site was for the Knights who died in battle of the Great Siege of 1565 now I know
typical of women that always have to try and get the last word, except of course I didn't apologise as I had nowt to apologise for, no pastizzis for you charliegirlapology accepted

I will take that cream egg off your hands Mr. 2. I cant give input to your Maltese walks showpiece as i rarely find Malta,s terrain and weather the most pleasant of things to tackle for the sake of a long walk. The best walk i have is from the plane to the car park, Then i drive to the views i want to see. No offence but I think i was spoiled from the many years of british walks with the cotswolds strollers and around the Devon coast and Cheshire countryside. Best regards to you and Mrs 2. By the way if you are a fan of the cream egg try the Malta markets after Easter, I,ve found them at lm1 per box for the past few years.
Vee Dee - you should try a walk at Ta Cenc at the moment with all the flowers and greenery - to me as nice as any walk in the UK

yes, perhaps today isn't the best day for walking !
My favourite walk in malta was the one up the steps and onto the plane home!

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