Thanks for all your support and advice peeps..
The long and short of it is was we went in Thomas Cook, explained what happened and asked them what they could do for us. We are now going to Thailand, travelling on the same dates but going from Heathrow instead of Gatwick. We are having 9 nights in Phuket, 4 nights in Krabi and 1 night in Bangkok. We have had to pay for this up front obviously, so my credit card has had a hammering this weekend...but I am hoping that Last choice refund us in full by Wednesday as they promised so I can pay my card off straight away. I also used the spending money we had saved for the Maldives.
Bit of a gamble, but I am hoping it pays off after the luck we have just had. I spent Friday night arguing with them over what had happened and one of them finally confessed that they have had that many complaints from other guests who have been out there, have had to pay that much out in compo etc they decided to pull the pin now as there is not alot i can do. The tickets only arrived on Thursday..then on Friday we got the letter!!!
I read the small print ( so small it was barely legible) and basically if it is cancelled by them, there is scale of compensation depending on how many days before..they did us 18 days before we are due to go and according to them are entitled to just £30 each.
Is it still worth me ringing Roz??
I was a little miffed when they offered me Fuertaventura. Now I love the Canary Islands, but I have been countless times and wanted something different..and the Canary's, beautiful as they are in places hardly compare to the Maldives. They never even apologised..and one of them even made a remark "well it's not a very good Friday the 13th for you is it?" which point I think if she had been sat with me instead of at the other end of a phone I would have probably clonked her one.
Never again am I going to pay for a holiday in advance like that..we saved for nearly a year so that as soon as we paid on the card we could pay it straight off..and we only paid on the card becuase we heard we were better protected that if we had paid by other means..and after the XL fiasco we thought it was a good idea. I think from now on, we are going to save like mad and then walk into a travel agent and tell them "we have x £'s to spend..sort us something out" and then they break their neck to be helpful to you!
So, thanks for all the advice guys and support...hopefully it has all turned out ok..