Going to Mexico in 2 weeks and it will be our first time all inclusive. Certain things have happend and the budget for our spends has gone kerput I have managed to scrape up 800.00 for 2 of us and wondered if people thinkthis would be ok. Dont want to borrow to pay for a holiday.
We had two wks all inclusive in Mexico, was a fab holiday and all we needed money for was the excursions if you chose to do any, oh and of course the tips for the hotel staff. I think we only spent a couple of hundred between us for the 2 weeks.
I think that is an ample amount for 2 people. Even if you are AI your budget would still allow you to have a few meals outside of your hotel, and a trip if thats what you wanted to do. The majority of our holidays have been AI and we have never spent more than £500. We dont do organised trips but always try and eat outside of the hotel a few times and go to a few bars so we can say we have supported local business and sampled the culture. Dont Stress Look forward to your holiday and enjoy-at the end of the day your meals and drinks have all been paid for up front so you wont go hungry or get thirsty, everything else is a bonus
Thanks Lilly and Sarah for your replies. I feel slightly relieved. I was wanting to go on a number of excursions but I suppose Ill have to do them another time. Even though we have gone A.I. I still wanted to go out and see Cancun and try a few local restaurants/bars, so it seems we will have enough and enough to go to the waterpark with our neice and nephew as we are going with the family.
Hi Michelle45, as folk have said, going AI is ideal if monies is pretty tight.
We normally go AI when abroad ie Tunisia, Egypt. And never really spend more than a few hundred pounds Usually on tips and the wifes "pressies"
Regarding trips and tours. Have a look at local organizers for this, as they are a lot cheaper than the hotel rep.
Enjoy your holiday.
Hi Michelle,we usually go AI,not to Mexico though,and I would think £800 would be plenty,I know you don't want to borrow but we always take a credit card with us just in case of emergencies,you might feel more content if you took on too.