TINKATINKA, 5/6 years ago B.A. did three trips a week to Varna from Gatwick, many people deserted them when Wizz started from Luton, so B.A gave up. Balkan Holidays have been running from Gatwick to my knowledge for past 17 years, they too gave up and had a percentage of seats on the national carrier, which I have used over past 4 years, but planes never full, so National carrier (Bulgaria Air) pulled the plug on this route this year and Balkan have come back. I have never had any serious qualms with Balkan Holidays after 30 trips (my 31st this year) At least they do give you enough warning, so you may try and make other arrangements. Why did you decide on the trip to Gatwick, when there is a flight from Manchester on a Friday which is the same day as Gatwick flights. all of a sudden with the price of Wizzair being no longer cheap everybody wants to return to the ships they have help to sink. I am told by reliable sources in Bulgaria, that there are now numerous properties for sale at the Golf Courses to the North Of Albena, also lettings for the summer season (private) even in the Summer Season are down, as it is now costing £1200 for four just for the flights. hope this is not too blunt, but it is fact. just to show you how things are in Bulgaria at the moment, the plane that is going to do the Varna to Gatwick run, will start from Bourgas (empty) and when it returns to Varna, it will continue to Bourgas empty. Tonyt