so what causes floods [apart from rain] concrete/tarmac/paving too much of our country is coved with an impermeable layer stopping natural absorbs ion.
We have enough land in the UK for nobody to live on a flood plain in the future, but the problem lies in people protecting the vast green areas, we are all being condensed into specific areas while there are plenty of free acres of grass vacant on higher ground and the tarmac/concrete only accounts to about 8%....look out of an aeroplane window the next time you fly over the UK.
London was built on a flood plain and people's houses have been flooded who live nowhere near a river, my older brother for one he lives in the next village to me and just had the misfortune of living at the bottom of a road which became a river due to the amount of rain that fell in such a short space of time and no other reason, a freak of nature .tons of water started filling up his cellar because the ground was already soddened from the week before.
The water came in so fast that at 8pm it was ankle deep, at midnight it was waist deep and the next morning it had totally submerged the whole of his cellar which must be 7 foot high and then the water came up through his living room floorboards.
I've been on this planet long enough to witness severe drought and blistering summers (1976) and I've witnessed the other extremes of snow and severe hard frosts (1979/1980) funny how people "in the know" were saying then that we are heading for an ice age, I was born during one of the worst winters in history 1947"¦
Sorry, whilst I agree to some extent that pollution caused by todays chemical industries and the "throw away" plastic society could be accelerating the natural effects of climate change, I don't buy into the theory that it is the cause of the extremes of weather the planet goes through phases of heating and cooling, we are controlled by the sun and the suns activities, plus the jet stream coming from the Pacific.
We are an Island and industry spends millions just pumping out water from underground everyday, ask any ex Miner about water levels underground in pits, most of them will now be totally submerged since their closure, so if you are sitting on water, surrounded by water and more falls from the sky, where do you expect it to go.?
The government have no control over the weather, but they do have control over flood defences, investment in infrastructure and planning permission for homes, it is time we built on some of the agricultural land that farmers and aristocrats hold onto, when we have a shortage of 800,000 homes in England alone"¦ It seems a logical solution, but not in my back yard syndrome and I have been disgusted at the selfishness of people regarding the allocation of water, the wanton vandalising of water bowsers and trying to sell water for £5 a litre.....shame on them, no wonder this country is going to the dogs when it's "I'm alright Jack,

you" attitude.
Anyway, I really feel for anyone affected and "who" "why" or "what" is to blame was not what this topic was about, but if others can put their two-penny worth in, then so can I.
These make interesting reading....
Kritter. Keep your chin up hun.