Hi prawn - I've been flying alone since daughter (she who must be obeyed) decided club 18-30 was better than Dad buying the drinks.
10 years ago.
And since I retired in 2007 I now do it always alone, seven times a year.
(Careful folks - read it all in context....)
And it's actually great! I get to be Victor Meldrew all the time and nobody complains, at least they don't complain to ME.
Seriously, go travel this incredible planet and enjoy it.
Not a lot of planes drop out of the sky, there's probably more chance of you winning the lottery.
And the thing I find wherever I go - there are FAR more good interesting people than bad boring people on this planet.
Alicante is a great place to start - go play on the super Spanish train, which goes all the way up to wonderful Calpe.
And see - or even climb - the rock there.
Grow old disgracefully!