Off to Almeria on Saturday, who was it that was going from Manchester on the same day???
Are you going on the 6amsih with monarch??
remind me about yourself and I will say hello.
I have two kids, james and Kate 5 & 7, oh and a hubby!
Where abouts are you staying?
Will you be having a drink at Beachcomber Bar, I recommend it. Nice simple food, well made, nice beer and a beautiful view.
Thats the one Diane, we are staying in Almerimar but we have a car for the two weeks and are hoping to get to the beachcomber for lunch at least once.
Hey Bev Enjoy yourself but make a point of visiting John and his son Matt at The Beachcomber Bar .We drove up from Roquetas de Mar for Sunday lunch it was so tasty and John and Matt were perfect hosts and the staff were excellent.Regards Stevie..PS If you look on the Almeria photo gallery there is a photo of John and my good self dont laugh to loud
Called into the beachcomber, but unfortunatly John wasnt there. The food more than made3 up for it though
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