Like Helen I tend to make lots of foreign meals when we return from holiday and then again a couple of times before we go back. My favourites are the Greek dishes of Stifado, kleftico and moussaka. Also Greek salad with olives and feta.
I also tend to bring spices home. One story about spices that makes me laugh. We were in Morocco a few years ago and on our last evening we decided to purchase some spices from one of the hotel shops. Helen and I left our hubbys at the hotel bar and we went to make our purchases. Not as easy as we thought-
To start with as we entered the shop the shopkeeper was knelt in prayer so we stepped back outside until he'd finished. When we went in he told us to take a seat while he proceeded to go through all the spices he had, explaining to us what they were all for. There were also herbal remedies. During all this he managed to extract info from us about our little ailments and told us what he'd recommend. Anyway, at the end he wouldn't give us individual prices. He just handed us a sheet of paper each and asked us to write down what we were interested in and he'd work out a price.
whilst we were doing this he was serving us herbal tea

By now Helen and I just wanted to make our escape as we'd been there an hour and our drinks at the bar were getting warm. He eventually weighed out the ingredients and bagged them and told us the price

it was something like £25 each for a few spices and herbs. we didn't have enough money on us so we said we'd have to leave some of the stuff but he said not to worry if we had some clothes we wanted to leave he would give them to his sister

So the next morning before heading for the airport we took him a couple of kaftans. The spices eventually cost us about £40 plus 2 kaftans.
we still have a laugh about it though.