What a great idea, need to get my sons passport renewed so will be giving this a try. I hate photo booths as children never sit still and I never get a decent photo so might be more sucessful at home!!
Didn't know about this service before. Just done mine and daughter's a few weeks ago - did them at home; me and daughter took one of each other, standing against a pale grey jacket hung on the back of a door and then took the memory card to Asda and printed them on proper photo paper for about 60p... the woman at the Post Office was really picky about them, said the background was too dark and the heads in the photos were just about the right size but too "far away" whatever that means... anyway, both new passports came back okay
Ok to tell you the truth I didn't attempt to do any because the first thing I thought of was at the end I'm going to have a message saying 'you're photo's are ready, please click here' and then I would be left facing a picture of a monkey! You know how Robby likes a laugh!
But it seems it is genuine afterall! haha I think I have 7 years left on mine so hopefully it'll still be around then!
you already give your photo to the civil service - how more insecure could it be??? It's just a matter of time before it's found on a train or an old laptop somewhere!!
That looks a useful website. I normally do my own and friends and family passport photo's since I have the equipment to do it at home. I wouldn't worry about submitting my photo to that service for free prints as long as personal data wasn't attached to it. I normally use a white wall or projection screen as a background and use bounce flash to avoid shaddows behind the subject. Only takes 2 minutes and never had a problem yet. That website looks just as straight forward.