Just to give you some background information, my girlfriend is due to finish her photograhpy degree next year, and is looking to get away from the non stop education she's been doing for the last 15 years (approx) and as for me while i'm stuck in a job I don't enjoy with no prospects. We're looking for somewhere/something we'll probably never have the chance to ever do again as when we return hopefully we'll both find jobs and we can start putting things into place i.e. house and family, I guess in a way we see this as our 'last big chance' to do something special.
We're both very reliant upon each other and we're generally the sort of people who like to keep themselves to themselves (not that we're rude to others) and we're both to a certain degree nervous travellers, this is one of the things we're hoping this trip will make us improve upon. A long with some added life experience.
As for what we're looking for, well literally anything and anywhere (excluding europe). Are main focus has been Asia but I must say we are truly open to anything. China in particular was our first point of interest, where we considering flying into Beijing and then traveling via train to X'ain, Shanghai and finally Hong Kong. We have also considered doing a similar thing in Japan, travelling through to areas like Kyoto, Tokyo, Osaka and Hirishoma. This is an idea that does interest us, the ability to see more than one city/town within a country. If we are to do this however we're looking at an area that would have a good train and/or bus links mainly for two reasons; 1 - there cheaper on are tight budget and 2- we're both nervous flyers as it is, so one flight there and one flight back is quite sufficent for me

However we've also considered other things like turtle conservation projects and other volunteering projects, which give us the ability to see a country from a different aspect. If anyone has any information on things like this, that would be fantastic.
I'm sorry for the long post and sorry for not really being able to say exactly what it is we're looking for. I'm just hoping that anyone could give me some ideas/tips, I really don't mind if 100 users bombard me with a 100 seperate idea's, the more information the better. Though my head may in fact implode if it takes in to much more information