I've just been having a look at the Easyjet website, on which I found a link for comments, and also an address for the group: easyGroup (UK) Ltd. The Rotunda, 42/43 Gloucester Crescent London. NW1 7DL. I've therefore just written to them, the main gist of which is copied below, and may be of interest to others:
"Further to the take-over of GB by Easyjet, I note the comments regarding meals on board, in particular your comment that "there is no such thing as a free lunch." Whilst I appreciate that many people prefer a cheap flight, without the inclusion of a meal, it should be pointed out that those who have already booked with BA/GB have paid a higher price which would include a meal. The cost of our flights also included a baggage allowance considerably in excess of that allowed by Easyjet. As we have no choice but to transfer to an Easyjet flight if we need to fly on that particular day, it would appear that we are entitled to expect a refund of part of the fare paid. In future, if Easyjet flights are considerably cheaper, I will seriously consider using them but that will obviously be my choice, depending on the cost as well as the level of service, rather than something over which I have very little option. I, and no doubt many others, would appreciate your response to these points."
No legs to stand on!
Same with when BA Connect was sold to Flybe only this time our route for which our flights had been booked 10 months in advance was discontinued by Flybe and so we were left with nothing, despite having booked accommodation etc
BA don't care, simple.
BA don't care, simple.
That's true from our experience too. When we booked to go to Saint Lucia they had two flights a week (via Antigua). We organised two-centre accommodation, flying out on Wednesday and back on Sunday. Out of the blue we were told they had cancelled the Sunday route and we would have to fly back the following Wednesday. Quite apart from the cost of an extra 3 nights' accommodation, we were not able to take a fortnight's holiday at that time. Virgin weren't flying there on Sunday so we had a dilemma. BA were useless and could only keep repeating that we could have our money back! Eventually it was my hubbie who came up with the idea of flying to Antigua with BA (daily flights) and transferring to Saint Lucia on LIAT, which was what we did but it meant swapping the two accommodations round, losing a day of the holiday and paying for the connecting flight.
To add insult to injury, my hubbie had the last beer on the flight out, one hour after take-off, and one of the stewardesses lost her rag with a passenger.
BA is now our airline of last resort ...... whereas we've never had a problem with EasyJet!!!
I have a BA/GB flight booked from Gatwick to Dalaman in August for 3 passengers. We booked the flight/accommodation through Thomson but it is not counted as a package. We have received no notification from BA or TUI who, when I telephoned them, say that as far as they are concerned the flight is still showing on their system. My concern is that if in 8 weeks time Easyjet announce they are not running the Dalaman route, we will then have to look for alternative flights, which is restrictive as only Monarch/First Choice seem to fly on Thursdays from LGW. These alternative flights are considerably more expensive now compared to what we paid BA and I imagine they will rise even more by the end of December. I have asked TUI if we can cancel/transfer the flights but they have refused, yet I read on the complaints forum under the recent GB post that someone with BA flights was offered a refund before the 8 week period. Seems unfair! I realise that Easyjet may continue the route and that all we will lose is a few inflight meals and some baggage allowance but if they do not run this route, we are already looking at paying an extra £300 for our 3 flights even if we were refunded now
BA don't care, simple
I think people are getting confused here. This is GB Airways, NOT British Airways. GB Airways are a BA franchise who operate under the banner of BA. Although they have an affiliation to BA, the responcibility lies with GB so it's a little unfair to point the finger at BA mainline.
I do appreciate that in law they are all separate companies however in practical terms for the customer, they are not.
Cassholly, same happened with our Barcelona flight when Fly-Be took over BA Connect. It was way to late to get another flight apart from one which would have cost us another £800 for the four of us. We cut our losses and stayed in the UK and had a very nice holiday here instead.
I can only hope that what I have read (coppied below) on the BA site is correct
Post edited due to copyright infringement. Material from the BA site may not be reproduced, but you may post a link to the relevant page on their site as an alternative .. David HT Mod
This indicates that EasyJet is going to stick to the BA/GB schedule for 2008 and there should, hopefully, be no change to my booking.
All I can do at this stage is sit and wait 8 weeks to see if I need to change my hotel booking. The longer I wait the more likely the hotel will be fully booked as it is the school holiday time.
A very frustrated Nanny Sue
the responsibility lies with GB so it's a little unfair to point the finger at BA mainline
I understand what you are saying Dazbo but my point, which I made in my letter to Easyjet, was that I and others had paid BA a certain price for services and facilities and if, due to Easyjet taking over the flight, we were not now to get these facilities, we were entitled to expect a refund of part of the money paid. Presumably other passengers will be booked to fly with Easyjet on these routes, with prices and services set by the company which the passengers are aware of and to which they have agreed. It would therefore be patently unfair if others were paying considerably more not to receive the facilities for which they had originally paid. The distinction between BA/GB is not really relevant, as our bookings were made with BA and it is to them that we have paid our money. We will just have to wait and see what happens in a few weeks time. I note that we will be able to claim a refund if we wish, so presumably we can just cancel our flights and re-book with Easyjet if the price is better.
I've just been on the BA site looking at flights to Gran Canaria next August and there's no mention that it will actually be operated by Easyjet anywhere along the booking process. The only mention is a couple of lines on the homepage which, ordinarily, you simply wouldn't notice.
One minute you think you've booked a scheduled flight with BA, then post booking I presume you're informed that you're actually travelling with Easyjet and the lack of allocated seat, meal, drinks, lesser seat pitch, no on-line check-in and lower baggage allowance that comes with it. All for a BA price, bargain...not.
Why, if you are booking after the March 2008 rebranding date, aren't you transferred to the Easyjet site, or at least it made crystal clear who you are booking with ?
Of course the other downer is that Easyjet only taking bookings 7 months ahead (rather than BA's 350 days ahead) , so I couldn't book for August even if I wanted to.
I don't mind Easyjet for a 2 hour flight and have found them OK on routes such as Palma, but on a 4 hour flight I expect a degree of service.
Dazbo, I am not in the least bit confused! When I was dealing with the repercussions of the Fly-be takeover of BA Connect (a BA 'franchise' in the same manner as GB Airways) who did I phone? BA! Not BA Connect but BA. When my BA booked flight was taken over by BA Connect, similarly I talked to BA then too and not BA Connect. All these different names and franchises do not disguise the real relationship in the same manner as the My-Travel group are basically all the same but different operating names!
I think you are a little confused still. BA Connect was a fully owned subsidiary company of British Airways, so yes the 'blame' does lie with BA when the decision to sell up to flyBe was made.
However the GB Airways situation is totally different. GB Airways are a completely different company to BA, under completely different ownership. GB Airways is part of the Bland group, a holding group of a number of travel companies. GB Airways hold their own Air Operators Certificate and employs all their own crew. None of this has anything to do with BA.
The relationship with BA comes in with the franchise agreement, whereby GB Airways routes are marketed as BA under the agreement. However they are still completely different companies. The Bland group have obviously decided to sell their airline, GB, and the buyer is easyJet. There is no way easyJet are going to operate under the BA brand; so franchise is terminated.
BA had no control over the matter.
I've just been on the BA site looking at flights to Gran Canaria next August and there's no mention that it will actually be operated by Easyjet anywhere along the booking process. The only mention is a couple of lines on the homepage which, ordinarily, you simply wouldn't notice.
One minute you think you've booked a scheduled flight with BA, then post booking I presume you're informed that you're actually travelling with Easyjet and the lack of allocated seat, meal, drinks, lesser seat pitch, no on-line check-in and lower baggage allowance that comes with it. All for a BA price, bargain...not.
Why, if you are booking after the March 2008 rebranding date, aren't you transferred to the Easyjet site, or at least it made crystal clear who you are booking with ?
Because its not definate that it will be yet. The sale is not confirmed, and won't be for another 8 weeks or so, as it has to be approved. This means going in front of the office of fair trading among other things.
Its not ideal when takeovers like this occur. However unfortunate, the situation is clear, like it or lump it, either accept the easyJet way or cancel your flight with a full refund and take your money elswhere. Its not brilliant in terms of customer service, but they aren't doing anything wrong either.
As I explained different names and different franchises mean little especially when GB Airways actually advertises itself on its own website as "operating as British Airways". When a company makes such statements it should be very careful because it seems to attempt to make monkeys out of people. It is either BA or it is not and if it is not then it shouldn't claim to be so. However their planes are painted in BA livery, the crew wear BA uniforms and as they claim, the service is the same as BA.
Like I said, I know that under company law they are different companies but when it comes to trading with customers, well GB Airways makes their position quite clear....they are BA!
As Magster said in a earlier post they do not care and our interpretations of who owns and operates what will count for nothing. A sorry situation!

That's odd, if GB are nothing to do with BA isn't it?
I must be a bit thick as I don't understand why that should be.

Bagand96, I'll thank you not to pass judgement on my mental state, taking into account you do not know me on a personal basis! I am not confused about this issue at all and I do not need to be advised that I am...that attitude is patronising to say the least, so please refrain from the confusion comments. If you think I am wrong, that is a different matter but you didn't say that
Wow sorry if i caused offence. I certainly didn't mean to do so or be patronising. Lecture taken on board, I'll get me coat...
No problem bagand96. I know the cloakroom hooks need some attention but I should imagine your coat will be fine on them!
Likewise, the Gatwick routes that will transfer to Easyjet on completion of the sale, where have Easyjet stated that people who have booked and paid will then have to fork out again for meals/baggage etc - services that have already been paid for?
I look at it as Easy moving in to a market they presently do not operate in and that is different to their existing quick turn-round operating model. If they intend to retain these routes as viable, they will have to continue with much of the existing service provision - at least for the first year. The passenger demographics are totally different and the routes will not work in their existing model.
The passenger demographics are totally different and the routes will not work in their existing model.
An interesting theory, jetnoise, but perhaps you could expand on it a little. According to Wikipedia, demographics include such factors as "race, age, income, disabilities, mobility (in terms of travel time to work or number of vehicles available), educational attainment, home ownership, employment status, and even location". On which of these do you base your opinon?
As I walked off the plane in Egypt this year it looked like a bomb had hit it, it was so dirty and messy. I don't see how the stewards could clear all that and have it ready to turn round quickly, surely they would need a dedicated team of cleaners like on a non-budget. I thought Easyjet was viable because of the amount of flights it could do in a day and if the journeys are longer surely this would mean less flights? Or am I reading it wrong?
Sorry Rosemary we are posting at the same time.

The only way to hit the sale price of GB is to cancel all flights that have been booked with GB that will transfer to Easyjet. Obviously the sale of the aircraft and routes will not affect the price but bookings that have already taken place may!

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