We are happy to provide a forum for members to discuss anything not related to holidays and travel as we do appreciate it is not always possible to 'talk holidays' all of the time.

In addition to our standard Terms & Conditions of use, we want to bring your attention to the following points when using this forum.

1) We will not tolerate, for any reason, personal attacks on other members. Please conduct yourself in an adult manner.

2) Any topics which we deem to have run their course will be locked by the moderators and no debate regarding this will be entered into.

3) We are operating a 'Three strikes and you're out' policy, members who repeatedly break the terms & conditions of use when posting in the General Chat forum, will have their ability to post in it removed.

We hope that by adhering to these simple points we can have a new and fun place to discuss everything from news, fashion, what's on the TV and the fact it's a new day in the week!


The HT Team