I've read an article in "The Times" newspaper today and it's provided quite a few humorous and also serious thoughts.
Apparently a British chap has won a case for compensation because his hotel was full of Germans and the kids couldn't understand a word that was spoken in the kiddies club, therefore not understanding the German language, they were disadvantaged and couldn't take part in the activities and with the exception of one TV channel, the rest was in German.
I don't know the details of the case and it has been suggested that it was the fact that the facilities, tour guides and information were in German and not so much that German people where there, therefore, I don't intend to dwell on this issue and it's not the point of my post and the press are good at distorting the truth.
But, it highlighted a question raised in the German press if they could claim compensation if the hotel was full of Brits and the usual beach towel jokes and reference to the fact that they will play this year without us "Tommies" (obviously referring to the Euro football tournament).
One of the things that stood out in the article was the section that the Germans have a great habit of claiming compensation if they see so much as one cockroach in the restaurant, and it's quite obvious to me that a two- tier system exists between the British trading arm of a company and its European side"¦. Thomson and Thomas Cook /Neckermann are good examples.
The Germans seem to get first choice of the better hotels, the rooms with the sea view, a better service and a different standard of reps.( A higher education and qualifications are needed than the British reps) so, all these will lead to less confrontation and a happy tourist and there'll only be one last thing to "fight over""¦the dash for the sun-beds.

On a serious note, the stereotyping of the British tourist by the German press is "disturbing " to read.

Makes interesting reading, the German paper has been translated, so it'll not make complete sense in sections, but you can get the gist of it.
Get to the sun-beds first folks.

http://www.bild.de/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbild%26start%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="break-word">CLICK HERE and then click on "Lifestyle"