Def take your ghd's Goldie, I do every year, hair goes frizzy some nights in humidity, so dont straighten it every night, and i do wonder why i bother but would feel terrible if didn't have them with me as my hair is naturally a horrible frizzy curl!!!!
I found my GHD's took longer to heat up too, another thing in all hotels ive stayed in in Goa theres not been a plug near mirror, take an extension lead/ or mirror!!!!
I like to get dresed up in evenings when away but i do tend to just wear flipflops as much comfier on the Goan roads.
Another thing to bear in mind is the roads are dusty and any clothing that touches the ground will get stained and dirty quicky. I tend to wear alot of skirts when i'm in Goa (dont normally at home!) and 3/4 length trousers.
Hope you enjoy your stay
I go 5 weeks tomorrow, can't wait!!