I am looking to purchasing in South Goa off plan - is anyone else purchased on a site close to Varca church . one mile from the beach at Radisson Resort. The english contact is a comapny calledTECNICA U.K.
If anyone has purchased via this company or knows of the compex to be built please come back.
We bought off plan in Calangute - all seems ok so far. We go out to Goa on Saturday 8th so will know more about the company etc. Will post again when I get back.
Fingers crossed!
Take care
Myself & Partner are looking to buy a propoerty in Goa, I keep hearing about setting up your own company etc etc. Can anyone tell me exactly what you need to do and how to go about it?
I agree you should act with caution, we bought our house in Goa 18mths ago and love it but its quite the norm that many of the advocats are corrupt and can be paid off by devellopers and builders and that comes from a close friend who is a Government employee here!!!! If you set up a company to purchase and get your deeds it will create problemss for you if you want to get a visa longer than 1 or 2 years (Im not sure which) but know you will not get a 5 year visa. fortunately i dont need a visa as we have PIO status but we justvstruck lucky there and it has made life a lot easier for us, but i have come across many people with probs, also go to an advocate yourself to set up the company it is often loads cheaper just a few hundred rupees!!! you do have to open a bank accoount and keep a set balance there
hi, we are buying an apartment in north goa and were wondering if anyone can recommend places to buy furniture and white goods, and what it is the best type of power inverter to buy for the power cuts? thank you
FAQ from the above website:
Question: You cannot own property in India unless you stay there for 183 days consecutively.
Answer: Not true we can show you how to own property outright from day one, but many people intend to stay the 183 days anyway.
FAQ from the above website:
Question: You cannot own property in India unless you stay there for 183 days consecutively.
Answer: Not true we can show you how to own property outright from day one, but many people intend to stay the 183 days anyway.
Mr. Merchant - Furn N Decor Municpal Complex, Near Cinema Alankar, Shop No 4 Mapusa Goa Phone 293129
He was recommended to us by about 4 people and we have seen him furniture in a couple of apartments.
He really is a genuine man and we have seen his workmanship in his showroom and his workshop as well as some kitchens and bedrooms he has made for European clients in Candolim (in situ) and the clients were very happy with them. We showed him a couple of pictures of a table we wanted making - a small one with folding down leaves with a cupboard underneath where we could store 4 folding chairs and he has sent us a picture of it - just as we wanted. When we saw some settees in his show room we told him the backs were not high enough for us - no problem he would make them higher.
The company is making a new kitchen for us and within days of meeting him Mr. Merchant had designed it, taken us to pick out the tiles and the materials for the cupboards etc.
We also found a good electrical goods shop but for the life of me I can't find the card he gave me - it must still be in Goa. The shop is on the far side of Mapusa on the Siolim road near to the big Honda scooter depot. If I find it I will post the name on here for you but he gave a good deal for buying all our white goods there, free delivery and a nice present (that is a susprise when we go back so it could be anything

I will look for his card later and try and find it. Let me know if you want anymore info.
Any information about these developments or any others would be much appreciated.
i was in goa january and purchased a property off plan in varca , with keith morling propertys back in the uk , we have put 30% down ,we have just received the contracts and have been assured that they have been looked over by their own lawyers, they also want another £1.700 within 14 days , not much time toget them vetted by another lawyer .
it would be good to keepi touch to see how we all get on .
Hi Narial............does this gentleman have an e-mail address at all? we are also looking to furnish our villa.
JNH......................does this help at all?
Cheers for that information on Keegan Palms - it's really interesting. Still thinking about another development, so if anyone knows if there is anything similar about a development called Ramcons - I believe there are a few of them ie: Ramcons I, II, III, IV & V.
I'd be really grateful.
Yes broadband is available and it seems to work well, though is not as instant as in UK. However after using an ordinary connection for a couple of years this is a dream. We have a Sify connection which comes through a fibre optic cable and needs no phone line. Initial installation fee was 10,000 rs but this varies and can cost up to 20,000, depends who you are and where you live. You have different monthly options for how many hours you use, if you pay for a year its cheaper, but minimum for a month with 128bp connection is 795 rs. If you are running an internet business its not the connection I would worry about, more the electricity supply, which is erratic to say the least, especially in the monsoon. Our battery back up lasts 15 mins, though you can hook up to a car battery.

I am sure you will be able to get hold of him at the address or phone number I gave in the posting.
We are going out in September so can give him any message you have for him.
We were in Goa in January and will be back in December. We have fallen in love with the place and have spotted a plot of land in Candolim between the Aldeia Santa Rita hotel and the beach. We quite fancy buying it with a view to building a holiday home but somewhere were we will eventually live in for the season from October to May. Does anyone know what the process would be?[/b]
My Wife and 2 children and me are going to go and live in Goa from Oct 2006. I lived there for a year in 1994 so I know what to expect, but I am worried about health. We are worried about dentists and the fact that they don't worry about HIV, we are worried about my wife and cervical screening. Not to mention all the other health worries. I know there is the Medical College in Panjim but that is about it.
I wonder if anyone has any advice?
All the best
why are you going if you have these concerns ? surely you should have every issue ticked before you make such a decision ! probably not what you wanted to hear but just being honest
Hospitals - depending where you are going to live - there is a new one opened just behind the market in Calangute and the Bosio in Candolim is also very good as is the Vintage in Panjim . If you are going down south there is a large one opened down there called Apollo who have branches all over India. Forget the GMC - very bad reputation in Goa.
If you are so worried about something as important as your family's health please may I ask why you are going to live there?
Everything else about living in India is superb, no worries

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