Cold here today, but it can quite easily change in two weeks.
Saw your list of places to visit list and you mentioned the markets. I have often noticed British people buying soft furnishing fabric, it seems you can find some bargains on the markets here. So if you need some new curtains you could measure up your windows before you go. Sorry if I am sounding like the boring housewife that I am!

By the way, if you don't manage to visit the B'kara market on a Wednesday, the same market is also held on Fridays.
You also mentioned Attard, Balzan & Lija, if you are near the Attard parish church next door there is a nice place called Saracino's Cafe for a bite to eat, open all day. It is a lovely old building part of the floor is glass so you can see the old shelter beneath the building, they also have some nice paintings for sale by local artists. They do a nice toasted ftira and have smashing hot chocolate. If you are wondering what the word "saracino" (pronounced sara chino) is, it is the name for Attard natives, like you would say scouse for people from Liverpool.
Edited by
2006-01-13 15:18:23