So it seems some people think they need a golf course on Gozo. This lovely island is small and would be reduced in size even more, all for the sake of a hotel cum golf resort and some mans ego. Hello this is Gozo not Dubia!!! the later has endless wealth and countless de-salanized water to pour on the greens, water is precoius, and the local community will suffer. Gozo's wealth is its beauty and tranquillity.
Several years back there were plans to build a golf resort in Malta at Rabat, not sure whether it ever started!!!!Still they do have a golf course somewhere!!! .
The area at Ta Cenc is lovely and unspoilt, the hotel is one of a kind.
Lets hope it stays that way. I may be no more than another tourist, but to anyone who has been and seen this area, it is a dreadful thought, and one I think the people of Gozo will fight hard to stop.
anyone who wants more info on this, just post here or pm me
ps this discussion started on - Jayjaya, being more civilised than me, has thoughtfully created a new thread, rather than rudely hijacking someone elses (as I did)

I did read the article Mark, plus looked at a site showing the flowers, birds and then the development plans. Like all things like this, it leaves a nasty taste. Plus I felt sorry for Emily who didn't have anything do to with this. Sorry for rattling on her thread.
As I do most days, I walked with my dog at Ta Cenc today. There were so many people walking there today, and many saying how horrified they were with the development plans. If there is any justice, it will be stopped, and I will do my most to achieve it ! Thank you Jayjaya for showing an interest - the more we do, the more chance there is a achieving what is right, both for now and for future generations.
We had a very memorable holiday on Gozo which seemed a special place and my children who were quite young at the time still talk about it. I sincerely hope you and others there manage to get the project stopped. Its easy to get upset about something like this as an interested onlooker/holidaymaker, but it must be so much worse for those that live there.
I think the general feeling in Gozo must be one of horror, I am sure too, that alot of people in Malta also will be against the plans, I understand the need for progress, but one point in the article I read said the planners were focusing on the need for the lack of 5 star hotel beds. How many 5 star beds to they need! I have stayed in Gozo on several occasions, and seems to me that tourism swells with the day trippers from Gozo and at weekend from the Maltese, many who have apartments there.
Oops posted twice.
thanks everyone for your interest - I'll keep you updated !
I think a golf course on Comino would look very nice! that would cause a stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the Sannat resident is me, (thats me on the left of the photo, my dog in the middle) and yes jayjaya, the persons who manhandled me were indeed ______ ____ and his business partner
Edited by
2006-03-05 15:14:26
i have just listened too your interview what a pair of unsavoury charecters you have had to deal with, i hope nothing comes of these threats, reporting this incedent should stop them.
i was planning to visit gozo and the ta' cenc area on my next visit in august, hope the situation is resolved so i can experiance the area
inselli ghalik
thanks Alan - buy me a cisk when you are in Gozo, and you can hear even more ! or come for a walk around Ta Cenc with me (if I'm allowed !)
hi gozomark i would love too walk ta' cenc with you build up a thirst for some hopleaf, should have no bother from the unsavoury types i'm 6 foot plus and 17 stone and ex forces rugby player not too many pick on me
this article appeared in The Times of Malta today, about what happened at Ta Cenc
further update - I had our local policeman come to see me last night - he said he wanted to make sure I was happy with how I was treated by his colleagues at the police station when I reported the assault- I said yes, very happy. He then said I was 100% in the right legally, and if anything happens I'm to call him on his mobile, and he will come immediately and sort it out
letter of support for me in The Times
Well this is getting very deep, This is just the thing I like the small man against the big men, if you know what I mean. As your friend said in the paper about you telling your friends in Sannat and them telling there's, well I have been telling Mrs Holidaymaker who inturn has been telling her friends at work and there is over a 100 people there. So you are getting famous round our way, lets hope it all turns out alright and the golf course ends up on Filfla.
thanks Dave - I'll keep you posted !
AD (the Green party) have won a seat on the Sannat (where Ta Cenc is)council ! This is a big step in saving Ta Cenc

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