If (like me :oops:) you are unlucky enough to drop your husband's passport in the road as you get out the car whilst abroad, then read on ...
Luckily for my stress levels (and my marriage!), my husband had filled in his emergency contact details with his parents current address and telephone number. A lovely lady, having picked it up, telephoned them to say that his passport had been handed in to the local pub, where he was able to pick it up the next day. Thus saving the holiday being ruined by visits/phone calls to the British Consulate (although hubby had already gone to the police station, who didn't want to know).
Myself and the rest of our holiday party then promptly filled in our emergency details in the back of our passports!
Definitely worth bearing in mind ... losing your passport IS very stressful!
Oooh gosh, you know I noticed I haven't got emergency contact details in my passport whilst we were returning. And I just thought 'oh I haven't filled that in' then quickly forgot about it. I will ensure I get the details filled in now though.
We were told to photocopy our passports and take it with us and if they are lost etc apparently it is 10 times easier and quicker to get it replaced if you have a photocopy.
Good advice!!! Not only had I not filled in that bit, I hadn't even signed my passport
I just thought it was incase the plane crashed

We always photocopy our passport, I have done this since my son was little and it has proved useful more than once.
I filled in the emergency details in my passport back in 1999, but one of the contacts has changed since then. I've never been sure whether to cross it out, or whether that would mean my passport is 'defaced'. The kids passports have the correct details as their passports were renewed in 2004.
madsue wrote:I think if the plane crashes it will be burned or lost for ever
That is a rather negative comment?

but a true one.
It's okay to scribble out a contact name if it's no longer applicable. My boyfriend has the older passport (due for new one 2008) and he has two spaces for contact details so has scribbled out one and put a new one in. Mine is the new style and only has space for one.

I still need to photocopy our passports actually, normally I just keep a slip of of paper in my wallet and one bit of paper in each suitcase with the passport numbers printed on it.
Lallygirl is right fix a piece of paper over the old details.
I had a post it note stuck over the old contact details in my old passport as they'd changed over the 10 year period. Another good idea is to take a photocopy of your birth certificate as well as your passport
Scan your passport and post it to your own email address. You can then access it from anywhere in the world. I did this about 3 years ago.
Brilliant idea! I think I'll do that along with my travel insurance certificate.Scan your passport and post it to your own email address

We have just received our new passports - they are the new biometric type (with a chip in !)

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