Daughter is sharing a room with my mum so hopefully they've got a twin room.
I've booked premium seats, couldnt cope with squashed leg room on a flight that long, 4 hours to Turkey kills me.
Some questions, do we need malaria tablets, travel agent said we didnt and im never one to bother too much with vaccinations e.g. there's certain recommendations even for Turkey, which i've never paid attention to, because we're not exactly staying in the middle of a village with no water or whatever.
I will take all mossie stuff with us, because mum and mossies go together like bread and butter. We have some plug ins with the special tablets.
What is the weather like in OCtober, am aware its tail end of hurricane season but couldnt go any later because daughter is in year 11 and has exams in November (need to ask permission for a week off). Is it rainy, humid and sunny or just random, just so i've got an idea whether to take a brolly or something. Am keeping eye out for linen type material and loose floaty fabrics.
Is there a kettle in the hotel rooms, or is there a coffee machine or water machine in each building, me and hubby are a bit of tea aholics, so do take my own tea bags with me, mums a coffee drinker. Thats inbetween me and her finding the cocktail list and sampling each one, purely for consumer testing of course

HAvent decided whether to email and ask for a particular block, because I dont know which is best. Me being nosy i prefer around the main pool but the others like scenery and if there was a sneaky sort of sea view they'd prefer that, so does anyone have suggestions.
I think we'd be at the beach more times than not, i have to conquer my fear of fish but hubby and mum like the fish so might get a snorkling kit from Decathlon and they can be brave, i'm a chicken - i admit it. Am planning on going up the cable car and will visit some pubs, maybe restaurants off site, so we dont get bored. Me and daughter also want to visit local school so will take some bits from poumd shop or cheapo tesco things. Daughter also wants to sketch some scenery - doing Art GCSE and if we find somewhere with free wi-fi, me and her can go on facebook.
Has anyone got any hints or tips they can offer.
ta Bev