heard a snippet on the news (and if I heard and understood correctly) that a Great White Shark has been stalking ( ?? ) Katie Price (Jordon) in Cyprus
eh ?
it was in the Daily Star !
link here - http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news_detail.html?sku=2158
( be warned my pop-up blocker took a few hits and the site has all the usual tabloid stuff with busty women and such, so don't be accessing from a computer at work etc)[/url]
i know! i read this is the paper! trust something like this to happen when ive just booked to go underwater sea walkingibn Cyprus in 4weeks!!!
The Southern Mediterranean is one of the breeding grounds for Sharks - Thought everyone knew that.

Oh well, better carry on saving

I've been told they are seen a lot around Malta and thats not too far to swim is it?... (maybe they holiday in Cyprus as well.. lol )
Charcharadon sightings in the Med are still quite rare. Although they do visit the area, there isn't the food resource to sustain them. There's very little research as to there actual movements and dynamics, there are still many unknowns especially in areas such as the Med. Quite often Gt Whites are 'seen' when in fact they aren't actually Gt Whites. For example, the one off Cornwall the other week which caused a media circus was almost certainly a Basking Shark and has no resemblance to a Gt White. Unless the sightings are confirmed, take them with a pinch of salt. I work in fisheries, we get this all the time.
I feel a little better now!!
Does that mean I should stop thinking about a 2 foot wide shark steak now ?

Does that mean I should stop thinking about a 2 foot wide shark steak now

I watched a woman who did a lot of shark diving the other day... even she said swimming with them could affect their normal behaviour and really hated those that want to go an touch them or feed them etc....
We could open a can of worms on that subject, better not go there since we're on the Cyprus forum! Touching them is one thing and certainly not something I like to see, observing them is another matter.
I on the other hand would rather not see them - ever ... well they're ok on tv... and in books.. but last thing I want to see in the flesh is a great big muscle pushing several rows of teeth about....
Going in 2 weeks' time.
You have put me off going in the sea!!!!
Don't be silly, more chance of getting run over by a bus than a Gt White biting your leg off! Enjoy your hols, have a couple of Keo's and get in the water (but not in that order). We're not talking Amity Island in the Jaws films here!
Interesting post, I don't think there are any great whites in the Mediterranean, but there are many other species of shark, and if fact often on the menu in the harbour area of Pafos, it is a chewy kind of meat not to my taste and very expensive..
there have been many confirmed sighting of Charcharodons in the Med. From memory, mostly around the Italian coast including photographic and it one case, video evedance. They're certainly visitors to the Med but as for numbers, this is unknown. A shark research project was commissioned a few years ago to look for and tag shark species in the Med to try and gain information regarding the Meds shark population. As far as I'm aware, no Charcharodons were seen on that trip.
I'm in no doubt they are present, but the sensationalist approach of the media doesn't help anyone.
Hi Daren, I guess not but other species do get fished here on a regular basis and on on the menu most days at the harbour in Pafos, my son in law who fishes the waters here from his own boat often releases them off his hooks, he goes for Tuna and when in season very successfully..
Shark fishing is quite good in the Med from all accounts. I've been at the other side towards Portugal and there's plenty of Blues to be found. Personally, I don't agree with Shark on the menu because they are a slow growing and maturing species and many shark species are in decline because of it. But, thats just my view. Catch and release is the best policy and your son-in-law sound be commended for it. Has he ever been involved in tagging programmes? Sharks are quite a lucritive tourist industry in many areas now. There's been a transition from culling sharks for fins and meat to observing, fishing and diving trips. A live shark is worth more than a dead one and long may it remain so.

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