mrsgaz wrote:
Swordfish caught and cooked locally (properly not in some tourist restaurant). Stuffed vine leaves. NOT Raki.
I love Cyprus so much, but been to Kos, Corfu, Crete and Greece itself.
I love the way that the traditional restaurants and the people are so family friendly. Been to Greece and Cyprus with my parents many a time and now that I am a parent love going there with the kids. They are always so welcome and fussed over.
[quote Hello folks
I lived in Cyprus in 1959, I was a Forces/RAF Wife I won't bore you about the trouble that was at that time not very pleasant for most of us but instead tell you, I was cultured into the Greek way of life by the Greek women
They built the houses we lived in, yes the women did!! (their husbands had gone off to other countries to make money for the family) The women made money by renting out what they had built and very good houses too, they lived in huts fully equipped for their needs, they taught me how to build a stone oven outside in the garden and the foods we cooked was scrumptious all the Greek foods you can imagine, even cows brains, a superb recipe!!
The women Stella and Georgia took me to the markets we bought whole cow or lamb or even a pig, in each visit we voted what we wanted and shared it out when we got home. the C.O. of the RAF Camp my Husband was stationed at, summoned my husband in to see him, he asked why we were living so high, we were saving so much money, there were things we had, that others could not afford. After he explained how I did it, his wife and other wives came along and learned the same way as I did, we had to dye our hair dark and get a good tan also learn the language, we were soon all on a roll, the market was "minting it" they were happy but they didn't really know we were British, money or no money, at that time, there were many Greeks and Turks that didn't much like us British, we just had to be very careful
I went to Corfu this May gone and do you know what ?? the women of Greece are still as warm and friendly as I remember; they were in those three 3years I was there before, I spoke Greek to them and the men too and had a wonderful holiday