Can anybody tell me the name of the guest house facing the Inferno restaurant on Beach Road Candolim? .I have stayed there before but for the life of me can not remember the name and I would like to stay there again.
OK I will own up, Jane and I stayed there for 10 days last January, fantastic guest house but just cant remember the name ( methinks a bit of dementia setting in ) ..and im only 38 LOL
yes you do go through some gates and there are steps facing, I hope I get the name soon as I would like to book it..
Steve,I just checked photo 67 on the Candolim photos page, the guesthouse is just about on it ,I thought the name was also on it sadly not, it might jog your memory though.
Just a senior moment, it happens, Allan.
Thank You everybody for there help, I was hypnotised this morning and came up with the Manida Seaside guest house !!
Alright then I am lying, Jane found a receipt from an exchange bureau which had the guest house's name on it but thanks everybody for racking their brains...