I'd get on the phone to the Airline that you're flying with PDQ to check out the luggage allowance situation.
I'd also prepare myself for long queues at check-in and security.
There are already reports on the news of queues reaching OUTSIDE of the airport at Manchester.
It will only get worse as the day progresses.
We flew to Zante in the evening of September 11th 2001.
As you may imagine, security was very high.
We were told that all hand luggage had to be checked in, with the exception of emergency medicines and travel documents.
At least you have the advantage of being able to put your stuff in the case before you leave home.
I have a lovely bag that I use(d) for hand luggage, but after it had been in the hold, it was ruined.
Enjoy your holiday
More hand luggage details can be found here:
What we did notice was that there was much more room on the plane.
Some of the 'no frills' airlines encourage you to take as much hand luggage as possible so you get the 'lets see if we can get all our luggage for a weeks holiday into our hand baggage' brigade.
Whilst this latest advice is very restrictive in what you can and can't take on board it really isn't necessary to take loads of stuff as hand luggage. My husband usually has a small bag with camera etc. in and I have a handbag.
Parents - is it really necessary for your children to take on board all the latest electronic gadgets?? How about just talking to them or play pen and paper games for a change - most airlines show films nowadays anyway.
I have to say flying with Continental last year we both were shocked at how much hand luggage most US passengers took. Suitcases were crammed into the overheads.

Funnily enough, I always normally take a see through freezer bag with all my essential items in,to save the hassle of getting my big bag down from the overhead lockers.
It is a very small price to pay,though,considering that our lives could be at risk.

P.S. was typing this at the same time as jaimec was submitting the last post. Would be nice if all the airlines could add the extra 5 kilos onto our hold luggage allowance
Will need to check if I can take Ventolin Nebules (treatment for my asthma) on board,as they are in capsules but are in liquid form.

Edited by
2006-08-10 09:36:31
Like you said as well, I would rather the extra security checks etc that what could have happened.
Cyberspacekadette what time was your check in for? I would go 2-3 hours before then to be cauious.

I hope you aren't delayed too long and have a safe journey and a brilliant holiday.

I totally agree with the last post,I'm sure you'll feel safer travelling now than ever before.
I phoned First Choice - they won't be charging excess baggage today (as long as people don't start taking advantage of the situation and packing the kitchen sink etc
Will keep my fingers crossed that your valueables will be fine in the hold luggage and try not to worry too much. Don't let it spoil things for you!

Hope everyone else who's going soon has brilliant holidays too.
P.S. I also live directly under the flight path for our airport...no planes going over this morning....leave as early as possible I'd think.
Home secretary will make another live statement soon.
For further news look on
Globespan actually include your hand luggage in your total weight allowance, so you won't be allowed any extra.
Will look at the news now as I haven't seen the latest.
Thank goodness they stopped them in their tracks.
In order not to mislead..."the 21 suspects were all British of Pakistani origin".....this was,IN FACT, just recently reported on BBC1 News.

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