Don't forget all your jabs and malarone tablets.. .. you can get the malarone over the internet ... Travelpharm are good, get your doctor to put yours and hubby to be on one prescription.
Do get the repellants, prevention is better than getting bitten, take a plug in with you for the room.
Do remember to allow the £30 each for the entry visa, just as easy to get it in Mombasa and there's no postage costs.
Your room boy will be more than gratefull for any creams, lotions, shampoos, soap etc when you leave. ( We also donated tea bags, coffee and mugs , hubbies t-shirts and painkillers . )
The poverty there is appalling to put it mildly, the staff work for a pittance and will be glad of your gifts , socks are apparently very much in demand. The orphanages welcome you whether you take gifts or not, but you would want to give having seen the children. It's not always sensible to give money as even in the orphanages there can be "miss-appropriation " of funds . Pencils, toothpaste and brushes, soap, childrens
clothing is very much appreciated. While the local children are so sweet it is not good to hand out goodies as it encourages begging , better to give to the parent.
Sorry if I've rambled , hope you have a lovely wedding, your honeymoon will certainly be fantastic ...... don't forget to let the hotel know that it will be your honeymoon.