This is not a proper complaint as such but I think this is the most appropriate place to post.
We booked a holiday for October 2006, deposit £300, due to pay in full last week. Over the last 3 weeks I've been diagnosed with ovarian and now bowel cancer. As soon as we knew there was a possibility of it being cancer we got in touch with TA and they extended full payment date by 10 days. Today found out there'll be very little chance of going in October due to surgery and chemo. The outcome of treatment is pretty vague at the moment and it will be a long hard job (mainly because of not knowing until it's out and tested, extent of surgery and as yet unknown amount of chemo.) The booking is with Sovereign through First Choice TA, we can change the booking for a later one with Sovereign, but I'm loathed to do this as the future really is uncertain at the moment and I don't want my partner having to cancel again.
Luckily we haven't paid in full, but am I able to get the deposit back , either from TA or through insurance? I don't want to start going down this road if there's no chance to start with or if it's going to be more hassel than it's worth.
Thanks for your advice,
If you werent, then you should be able to make a claim through the insurance. However, if you had already been to see the doctor or consultant at the time of booking and didnt declare to insurance, then I doubt you will be able to make a claim.
Hope this clarifies.
Kath HT Admin
Although I am unable to assist with your enquiry, I just like to say, I have followed your postings on hear for sometime, and know you were looking forward to your upcoming trip, however, I am sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis.
I trust all works out well with you, during this most difficult and troubling period.
Good luck

I too hope all works out well for you.

Kath x
This has only all happened since the 11th of July, I was winning big time on the penny slots in Las Vegas 3 days before! My Dominican Republic holiday, that has to be cancelled, was booked in February. I've just checked my insurance (annual) and it's due to run out on the 29th of August so I'll give them a ring today.
Thanks for your help,

Sorry I can't help with your question but I just wanted to say that I hope your treatment goes well. You will probably have bad days during your treatment, but if you keep positive the good days will eventually out weigh the bad. I know because I had surgery twelve years ago at the age of 34 in my battle to beat breast cancer. I won and so can you.
Stay strong, stay positive and you will win just like you did in Vegas.
Keep Smiling
Kindest Regards
I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but want to wish you all the very best in your battle with this terrible disease.
on the aspect of insurance claim, as you took the policy out in Aug 2005 and presumably had no idea of your illness at that stage you should be able to cancel without any hassle - get a letter from your specialist to support the diagnosis.
On the more important aspect of your illness, I had bowel cancer 11 years ago - it being diagnosed shortly after returning from a holiday in Florida where I thought I'd developed an ulcer.
My op. was successful and the chemo that followed, whilst not enjoyable, was manageable. It's worth stating the obvious, a positive mindset is essential to beating cancer. You have 11 years of improvements in medical techniques and drugs on your side compared to me and, I'm guessing, and early diagnosis. This bodes well. I was back home after 10 days in hospital and working again (sedate job based at home anyway) within a couple of days of return.
Bet you'll be feeling like a holiday not too long after your return.
We had to cancel two holidays last year as my wife found out she was pregnant and due to previous complications was advised not to travel. We had paid in full for one trip and just the deposit for the other. We received a full refund apart from the excess charges.
Calculate what you are owed and what you will have to pay to claim the money. You may have to pay for a doctor's certificate and if you didn't pay excess waiver charges excesses will have to be paid. For our deposit only paid holiday what we received back was minimal - if this had been our only claim I wouldn't have bothered with the hassle.
Firstly today I had a colonoscopy and there's no signs of cancer in my bowel (I can't stop grinning) which means it's only in my right ovary, cyst and omentum and a lot simpler to treat. Surgery is next Monday at Christies.
I've contacted the insurance company and they are sending me the forms for the doctors to complete and it all seems really straight forward.
All in all a wonderful day today

Thats wonderful news Clarissa, thank you for letting us know. We wish you well with your surgery next week. When your feeling upto it, pop in and let us know how your doing.
So pleased to hear better news for you. Christies is a wonderful hospital. You could not be in a better place and will be very well looked after.
hi ..clarissa...all the best for monday will be thinking of you xxx ....regards...john-doe.....
great news Lisa!
Excellent news Lisa!!! I really hope that it all goes well for you on Monday and thereafter.
Lisa, you make me humble.
Thats good news Lisa.
Just a line to say Good luck Clarissa, Christys is an excellent hosptial and you will be in good hands, Hope you get well soon & make a full recovery. Cheers Jayjan
Best Wishes from me also Lisa.

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