I would just like to ask if it is OK to carry heated rollers in your hand luggage. I have just bought some and know that they'd be very useful when we go to Icmeler in Sept as my hair does tend to go flat very quickly. Any info would be appreciated
i would of thought so, my daughter was allowed to take her dolly on board with battery compartment inside it (not a good comparison i know)and you are allowed other wired appliances like ipods/headphones etc they are not sharp and cause no risk
Well I always have my hair strightners in my hand luggage..... but if the rollers have metal pins to hold them in your hair, put them in your hold baggage or they will confiscate tehm as a sharp item, like tweezers.
If you are referring to electrical ones you are fine, gas cartridge powered ones (or at least the cartridge) must travel on your person and only one cartridge per person, and obviously not be used during flight.
Edit requested by BY-TOM-AMM-FCA to say the cartridge needs to be kept with you in hand luggage, rather than on your person it doesn't need to be in your pockets
Hi skilly ... I see that your enquiry has been transferred here from another forum. However, as we already have a HAND LUGGAGE Q&As topic where you should find lots of useful info, I will close this topic now to prevent duplication.