Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
Yes, you're all invited for a fishy supper..if you like very small fish sandwiches :rofl

Went on the fishing trip and beach visit. We were a bit late getting ourselves sorted and arrived at the fishing ground about 11am which isn't the best time as apparently early morning around 7 is the best time for fish. We had 2 reels between us, one which was a proper one and the other one which kept breaking. If you're a serious angler I suggest bringing your own fishing tackle or finding one to hire before going on the trip. They provided prawns as bait but true to form I didn't catch a single thing, which keeps up my tradition of 3 fishing trips, 3 times empty hands. Dad you was doing line fishing caught 4 small fish and they were starting to bite more when the Mrs complained of Sea sickness and we had to leave. The other boats around us seemed to be catching more so Keith, I think there is good fishing but you need to be there early and also make sure that you have fishing gear sorted before you go. We then went onto Kanangini beach where the guys prepared a delicious fish lunch of masala grilled snapper as well as yummy pulau and chicken xacuti with a case of cold beers and soft drinks. We also tried a spot of fishing on the rocks at the beach. They then brought us back about 4pm so all in all a really nice day. The people who took us were really nice and all in all a really good day out foir the equivelent of £30 each for an entire day of fishing, eating & drinking. Both surviving chickies are now wandering around the spare bathroom until we can find some more permanent accomodation for them. The trip is also worth it if you like to see the local wildlife as there were loads of sea eagles and kites as well as a family of black faced monkies who were trooping up and down the beach. I can stick the mobile number of the guy who took us on here if anyone is interested.
Not much today. Visited Big Foot in Lutolim. It's ok for a first visit but there hasn't been any changes since the last time we visited. Ok to waste an hour for rs50 each and a bit of an introduction to goan life. We found the trees and plants to be more interesting. Then lunch in Tato's in Margao where we had a huge argument with some guy who nicked our parking space that we were patiently waiting to get into :cry He simply pushed across us despite the fact we were indicating. Managed to stop the Mrs getting out and giving him a tongue lashing he would never forget. :rofl
Had the best chicken Xacuti ever last night, made by our Hindu neighbours. We are going to get the recipie off them as it was amazing. If anyone wants it I'll stick it on here. Beach tomorrow morning where the Mrs will try to teach me to swim again. I'm more of the lie on the sunbed (in the shade) & read the kindle guy but she is ashamed of my Titanic like properties (floating ability not size :tongue )
love reading about your days vrbarreto keep them coming I call in at HT just to see what you got up to today gives me my daily fix of Goa ....colleen
glad you're enjoying my little report irishcolleen. :cheers Only 2 full days left than back to the grind stone.
Excellent reading. Great reading a report on a day to day basis. :)
Sorry for the late post today :(
Apparently the beaches are really quiet down Carmona way because a large Russian tour company has gone bust. There were rumours that there were 4,000 tourists with holidays planned to Goa who will b affected as well as there being 300 tourists who were stuck at Dabolim aiport for 3 days.


So morning beach and then in the afternoon went looking for 'jungle' where we ended up seeing a huge gate at the side of the road and driving up to a small temple on top of a hill. The views were great and we managed to see quite a few monkeys sitting in the middle of the road, one of which thought it would be funny to show its bottom to us :yikes

We've had our last morning on the beach and getting ready to leave :cry
Saying goodbye to the plethora of relatives and making sure that parents have any large things they need as the nano is going back into the garage for another year.

Hope you've all enjoyed my little report and I'll stick a review of the journey back as well as some photo's I've taken. To anyone waiting to come to Goa, hope the time goes quickly and you'll all have a great time. To anyone thinking of coming, please do. Despite the hassle of getting a visa you will have a wonderful time and fall in love with the place. :cheers

Feeling very sad to leave as Goa is in my blood as they say but in some ways looking forward to getting back to sane roads and no mosquitos.

All the best

:cry AWW Im going to miss your reports Thank God Roma has now started to write one up every day ...have a safe trip home look forward to see your photos ...you have heard the saying cheeky monkey lol you deffo met one falshing his bu* at you :rofl colleen
Thanks for the great reports have a safe journey home
Enjoyed all the reports and good tips on beaches ect.as you are on your way
home we are getting ready to leave,packing just about finished .leaving Sunday
for Dubai arriving in Goa early wed morning :yikes 03:20.
thanks again for all the reports,hope you had a great time.
Safe journey and thanks for lots of enjoyable reading :wave:

Finally back and sitting at work trying to nurse my jetlag

The journey back was a bit of a polava. Got to Mumbai airport OK and then caught the transfer bus to the international terminal....where we were denied entry as we were 8 hours early for the flight. So much for being looked after by Jet Airways who didn't bother to tell us that any attempt to enter the airport more than 4 hours before the flight would be rebuffed.
Finally managed to get into the airport at 7.00pm and queued up and immigration to at least try and relax in the departure lounge. Immigration told us to get lost and come back at 8.30pm to go through. Waited around and then rejoined the queue at 8.30pm. Was then told at immigration to get lost again and come back at 10.00pm.

At this point I was losing my rag. Tried to exit the airport to try and get some fresh air but was told by the soldier manning the gate that we weren't allowed to leave the airport.

Got quite angry at this point as we were basically stuck between the doors and the immigration queue. Found someone at Jet and complained about their lack of customer service and the fact that we were being kept prisoner inside the airport.

The managed to get us signed out of the airport which meant having our details written in a huge ledger book, bureaucracy eh?

Managed to get out and had a long chat with some German chaps who were on a business trip and had been denied access to the airport as well.

Wandered back in at 10.00pm and finally managed to get through Immigration where the Einstein at the counter looked and my entry stamp and asked me when I had entered the country.

Finally got through and spent some time wandering the shops and also found somewhere to rest. Managed to finally stop fuming.

The flight back was OK. No turbulence this time and we were a little late getting back to Heathrow. Took about an hour to get the bags from the carousel and was questioned by customs about having meat products. It was a good thing I decided NOT to bring back that bag of Goa sausages.

Drove home observing the many broken down cars at the side of the M25 and marvelled at Cambridge Council not gritting the roads.

Managed to get bogged down in some snow on the way home and had to jump out with the car marooned in the middle of the road, run to the house and get the shovel so I could make some space to move it and park.

Missing Goa loads now, ahhhhh never mind have to work.

Hope everyone waiting to go to Goa has a lovely time and thanks to all for reading my little report. Have a load of photos to upload so will post the link once I've uploaded them.

The four hour rule at Mumbai is one of the reasons we just stump up and pay the extra with Qatar. We also used to get this carry on when we used Emirates. It was a eight or so hour gap to fill as the flight left about 04.00 am. Eventually we used to book a nearby hotel, but that meant more expense. Mumbai, and it's treatment of passengers is as bad as I've been treated anywhere that claims to have a tourist industry.
Excellent reports, I enjoyed them all.
Oh Well. Been quite ill for a week. First time ever since going to Goa. Must have been the 40 degree change in weather.

Have upload a few photos here:


Will add some more when I can get the computer working again

Thanks for your posts, Vince - really enjoyed reading them. Hope you're soon feeling better.

I was unaware of the 4 hour rule at Mumbai - we have an 8 hour gap so I guess it's best to stay in the domestic airport until you can get in the international one.

Don't laugh - Mumbai International has been voted third best airport in the world by a body called Airport Council International. We spent 9 hours there on the way in because we missed a flight. It was awful - the staff are not interested in customers.
Hello from Silver Sands in Candolim, weather hot, kingfisher cold and honeybee flowing!

Keep up the good work Julian :cheers :sun2

xx lassi
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