arrivederci - good bye (arri- ver- der- chi)
buona notte - goodnight (bu- on- ah not- tay) as in goodnight before going to bed
grazie - thank you (grat- see- ay)
grazie mille - thank you very much (grat- see- ay mee- lay)
si - yes (see)
non - no (noh)
dove sono i gabinetti? - where are the toilets? (doh- vay- sono- ee- gab- ee- neti)
dove - where (doh- vay)
quando - when (kwan- doh)
quanto - how much (kwan- toh)
per favori - please (pear - fa- vorr- ay)
per piacere - please (pear- pee- ah- chair- ay)
troppo - too much (trop- poh)
con latte fria - with cold mild (lah- tay- free- a)
il conto - the bill (eel con- toh)
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