Another option is to use a dedicated disability travel agent, who arrange to pick you up from the airport in accessible transport and sell holidays to wheelchair accessible hotels and apartments. I have used and can recommend them. We had a wonderful holiday through their company to Cyprus a few years ago to the Eva apartments. Even if you don`t use them have a look at their website to find out which resorts and accomodation are suitable.
You can PM me if you want any info on holidays I have taken. I have taken my chair abroad for the past 20 years. Over the last few years i have taken to hiring a scooter or power chair, in Lanzarote and Portugal, which gives hubby a break from pushing and gives me a bit of independance.
Please let me know if there is any more information I can give you.
Thank you for your help. I will look at the web site you recommend. I think I will book with an agent this time, but am hoping to go on two holidays this year.
and have spoke to them direct and they say it is suitable for people with disabilitys,
i am not in a wheelchair but cannot walk very far so i hire a scooter, and the one i use on the costa del sol are mobens (click below)which are the besyt priced ones i have used and also the lady who owns it is disabled which is a very big help. Hope this helps

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