I am going on holiday to Kremasti in Rhodes and would love some Information on the town and surrounding area?
Many Thanks
Hi BombEars welcome to HT - you may not get much of a response here, as you have posted in complaints, hopefully one of the Mods will have spotted and move it for you soon x
Where abouts would have been the best place for this entry?
Hi BombEars ... the best place would be the Rhodes forum, and it seems you have already posted there:
Sorry I am not familiar with this area at all but there are plenty of people that will be able to help you Wizzard might spot so will lend a hand I'm sure. Its a friendly forum so I hope you enjoy it here.

Thanks Miss Pink, but nothing to fix or move as BombEars had already posted in Rhodes before coming to Complaints. Hopefully all the required info will be provided in that forum and so I will close this thread now.