Hi guys,
New to this forum, but wondering if anyone can help. I am going to Port El Kantaoui and I have read that there has been some thefts from hotel rooms (possibly maids). I have noticed on here that people say the word 'Shooma' to people who harrass you. Would anyone know how to write this in Tunisian or is that how it is written? The reason I ask is that I am thinking of writing it on various bits of paper and placing them in my room in bags/cases or anywhere that undesireables should not be looking in, to act as a bit of a deterent (hopefully shame them into not taking anything)
I know this may sound a bit drastic and I may be tarring everyone with the same brush, but I would rather try something out of the ordinary!
Any help would be appreciated.
In Tunisia they speak Arabic and French not "Tunisian" writing little insults in your nooks and crannys will have no impact! Best keep a bit of common sense about you and use a safety deposit box (if available) for valuables and money.
I've been to Tunisia a number of times and never experienced nor heard of any crime!
im just back after my 6th time in PEK and never once have I had/heard of anything like that goin on in any of the hotels ive stayed in, but the old saying is if in doubt, get a safety deposit box, tho I never when we were there just over 3 weeks ago and I had a ipad / book reader/and a ds game boy ith me, they were in my case in wardrobe and only came out when I wanted them. also had odd change on dressing table tht sat there from day one (kept adding to it for the 2 weeks we were there) and ended up leaving it plus a few pound for the maid as we knew her from the last few times we were there.
But I had no trouble with theft or dishonesty at all. I'll give them credit for that.
In all honesty, do you think a piece of paper with anything written on it would deter a thief?
Although classic Arabic is understood, as it is used in the schools, there is certainly Tunisian Arabic, which is somewhat different and spoken by all Tunisians. An English friend with children at school there says the children aren't allowed to use Tunisian amongst their friends in the teacher's hearing.
...I can't help but think that someone is more likely to thieve from you if you insult them.
I think that 1Laurel1 was propsing to put the 'insult' where only someone already into something that they had no reason to be in, could see it. i.e. luggage, wardrobes etc.
Anybody who has no shame about rummaging through your personal possessions is not going to be shamed by reading a note that says 'Shame on You!' As Aslemma has already said, it is a useful phrase to shout out when being shortchanged by a market trader or if as a woman you think you are being treated with disrespect etc but the reason for this is not to make the person concerned ashamed about what they are doing but because it will attract the attention of local onlookers who will wade in to your assistance. I have used it very effectively to get the 'granny mafia' on my side, for example, in an altercation with a stall holder in Hammamet market but they were the ones who stopped him from trying to shortchange me, not me shouting 'Shooma' at him. It has no power in an otherwise empty room. Would any of us expect a burglar to pay any attention to a post-it on our TVs at home saying 'Shame on you' and for them to decide not to steal it after all?
He made that clear del949, and of course nobody but himself or a potential thief would find it, but it would be a fruitless exercise.
hey Aslemma, we've known each other now for long enough for you to call me simply Del
Will remember that in future Del. I'd actually replied before SMa's post appeared so I edited mine to save confuson.
As its been said writing notes won't help, use safety deposits box etc, we have been going to Tunisia for 9years, and we have never had anything taken, but we do secure our things and valueables in safety deposit box, also if you have got insurance, if your valueables are not in a safety deposit box, you will not be insured for them, that's what I have always found with the different hol insurance we have had :-)

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