Highland Airways service from Cardiff to Anglesey is very good. They do carry a cabin crew member, very personal service, i think a lot of the passengers use it a lot so there is quite a good social feeling on board! Light refreshments.... hmmm, a carton of juice each on the seat when boarding!! Can't grumble though.
The route is funded in part by the Welsh Assembly as a "public service obligation" flight. Nearly all Highland Airways services in Scotland are run on a similar basis.
You should get some nice views en-route, but it depends on the roueting taken which depends on a lot of factors, including weather, ATC, and activity at Anglesey. Landing at Anglesey is an experience in itself, parking in a flightline of RAF Hawks!
The route is very rarely cancelled, Highland are generally very good, and I guess partly because its a PSO flight. In the past if they have a problem with the cardiff aircraft they have chartered another aircraft, or even flown an aircraft all the way down from Inverness, to operate Cardiff-Anglesey-Cardiff and then back Inverness.
Enjoy it!!