one tour guide, who insisted that there is no hole or gap in the mountain, and it's all an optical illusion. She claimed that looking from the coast towards the mountains, what you are seeing is the point where two entirely separate mountains overlap, giving the impression of just one mountain with a hole in it.
Actually, what David has been told could be a very strong possibilty....if you look carefully at this need to look VERY carefully, it does look like it may be TWO mountains, two SEPARATE mountains, or large rocks overlapping, with a THIRD rock, or piece of land behind the two giving the IMPRESSION of a chuink missing, when it is in fact THREE separate pieces of rock.
Indeed, it could be an optical illusion

. Zoom it as far as you can get. They do look separate to me. You can just about make out the outline of the edges of what clearly looks like TWO large rocks almost overlapping each other with a third rock, or some land behind.
Maybe David's Rep was right all along