i second that.
and me...
first part of the court proceedings is you have to write to the person you intend to sue explaining your intentions we did this so the letter would be recieved by the lead name the day before she went on holiday.they then have fourteen days to respond.Well much to our amazement on the very day my daughter should have been going on holiday (today) we received a visit from lead names mother looking very sheepish offering my daughter the money she had lost thanks to her daughter.I think they got quite a shock that we intended to carry out our threat of court action.I now have a happy daughter with a very shocked mother as i honestly thought we would have to go to court.I am still annoyed at the way it was handled by thomson and look forward to their reply or excuses to the letter i wrote.I sincerely hope that the two girls involved have a awful holiday as the lead names mother did not tell her that she was giving my daughter the money she lost and that when she comes back off holiday she is paying her mother back in full. Thanks to everyone that has shown an interest and offered some very helpful advice.I will let you know when i hear from thomson.
Well thats one successful bit. Well done!
brodi, I am really very pleased that Ms Lead's mother has paid up. Well done for being persistent and sticking to your guns. It is easy for all of us to offer advice but it another thing to face the daunting prospect of completing court forms and even appearing before a court. So well done you. I hope that your daughter enjoys the holiday that she is now planning.
Absolutely delighted for you.Justice has been done.Lead Name`s mother obviously realised you meant business and finally coughed up. Bet there are some red hot texts going on about now

Dont you just love it when a plan comes together!!!

hope she has a great holiday with some new friends..

Its a shame when young people like the lead name and her friend are not taught the difference between right and wrong.
I hope your daughter has a lovely lovely holiday with true friends.
Welldone Brodi, it just goes to show its worth seeing things through, well almost
Well done Brodi,hope your daughter has a fantastic holiday.
Great news! Your daughter has her money back, her old friend will not enjoy her holiday and, more importantly, your daughter will not waste any more of her energy on a friend such as her- she can move on to better things!
I still say I can't see that Thomson could have played this any differently to be honest, and after all they did send the part refund directly to your daughter and not to 'lead name', which they could've said they would have to do. Bear in mind that if there isn't a lead name who is the contact for the travel agent and therefore responsible for the booking then you can't reasonably expect the agent to send each person in a party a bill, or a copy of the full bill. Though they could quite easily have made some suggestions on what course of action your daughter could have taken. Good job you knew about this place eh?
I think the laws on lead name etc need sorting out...we were told the girl could take someone in my daughter's place and it would be legal as she could just change the names!!!
Please help.....what do I do...do I get a county court judgement and how...never done this before.

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