2 weeks on Saturday for us. Going really fast now that we have the visas, tickets and the malaria tabs which arrived today from travelpharm.
Carol - In answer to your question I spoke to Nicky from Lovely Jubbly on Asvem/Morjim about 3 weeks ago and his shack was up then. Not sure about running but I'm sure it will be by now. Might see you there.
4 weeks saturday for us Be there for Xmas and new year .....Tickets came to day.
Knitter46, where are you flying from? we leave 4 weeks Saturday too from Gatwick
what time is your flight miccie?
Our flights from Birmingham Staying in Calangate at the Dona Terezhina Not long now....
I have been washing and ironing for days now and have carrier bags full of bits and bobs; it is starting to depress me. The only cure is a Kingfisher in our favourite beach shack (assuming it will be there when we get there).

2 sleeps
We fly at 16:30 Robbie, arrive in Goa on the 23rd at 07:20 - just right for sleeping off the jetlag at the beach!!

All those who will follow me HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY.
Hope to meet some of you..

I have a feeling you just MIGHT enjoy your holiday sleeps!

Look forward to speaking with you in chat on your return.
Heres hoping for a brilliant time and lots of sun

Have a great one sleeps

Woke up this morning and thought Sleeps leaves today!!!! Have a great time if I haven't missed you already!

Off to Gatwick in a couple of hours time, then flying out tomorrow. I am really looking forward to meeting up with everyone. Not sure if I will be allowed near a computer whilst there, but I am sure one of the others will report back. Gemma?
I'm usually banned from HT on holiday too
we fly Tues 27 nov from Gatwick, not long now
get the packing started

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