My holiday days were always precious and I used to make sure that was what I used them for. We used to be able to go away every 3 months so my holidays always got used up on multiple holidays. My other half worked in the civil service so used to be able to build up flexi time which meant he could take extra days before and after to make sure all was sorted in advance.
I still do the same now I live in Cyprus. I much prefer to use the time off to do something rather than just taking time off to mess about at home.
I could never understand those I worked with in UK who would take a couple of days off to do the ironing or cleaning and then moaning when it came towards the end of the holiday year that they didn't have enough days to go away or take a holiday that came up on special offer price.... If I worked any overtime, I used to ask for it as time in lieu rather than paid, so I could take more holidays
Limassol, Cyprus