Yes like Milly Molly I happen to be the david bailey of the family too.
I hate photos of me!
Plus my pictures are better anyway , no thumbs or anything!
Do i look good in holiday pics??
The only photo's I will agree to have taken are those from the neck up - and then I need to have had a
Thought it was only me, i hate my photo taking.

The only pictures i allow of myself, are taken when im in the pool and all you can see is my head lol, Its a shame as i have limited pictures of me and my little boy


it doesn't matter how hard i try with my hair, makeup (or lack of it!), and clothes, the photos of me just awful, yet the photos of my hubby are always so good and he always looks nice in them even if he's just got up

so now our holiday snaps are just of hubby and scenery
just pleased theres so many folks like me out there, even my passport one is dreadful-look like a ghost!!!
I didn't realise I was going bald until I saw one of me in the water in Malta and asked who the bald headed bloke was.
Anyone who has seen my Flickr site will know i take LOTS of pics, but you could count on one hand the amount i'm in!!
Re passport photo's, can't wait till next year when i can renew mine, I hate it, one of those photbooth ones. We were checking into a hotel in Benidorm several years ago after a stupid o'clock flight, the man on the desk asked to see my photo, looked at it, smirked and showed his mate and said, "Bliddy hell, Myra Hindley" to which they both had fits of laughter along with a welsh bloke behind me, well I let rip, didn't I, soon shut em up! Hubby nearly wet himself


The 2nd one is of me lying on a lilo in Crete just last week. I have a long fringe and I'd caught a lot of colour on my face (apart from where my hair comes down on one side) I had to look twice as my hair was swept back and the part of my forehead that had no colour looks positively bald

denny.53 wrote:Cazz:rofl
sorry but that is so funny!!!

I love seeing our holiday snaps, I get on to developing them as soon as we get home! I make sure I see them first mind, and any "dodgy" ones go to the bin
Photo's are the easiest way to produce a keepsake....
mfcgadge- I know, only thing is I think I bore the rest of the world with them for weeks after my return! Thing is the memories mean something to us, but mean sod all to them!!!
My passport photo =
I'm due a new passport next year, so I finally get to be rid of the horrendous photo I currently have! Had to take my passport into my new job a few weeks ago to get my CRB done and my new boss had a good laugh at itPippy HT Mod wrote:My passport photo =:yikes :rofl

At least this time, I can get someone to take lots of photos of me at home with the digital camera until I get one I'm happy with and then get it printed out passport size at Asda, instead of having to spend £3 or whatever to sit in one of those booths and only get one shot at it!
As for holiday photos, I'm always the one holding the camera!
I look really brown on my holiday to fuengirola. Our pics are wicked my samsung camera is the dogs, uploaded the videos of us in fish allley, in malaga on the dolphin trip, and in gibraltar, the only thing my hair looked like kate bush my hair is the pits in spain, frizzy and never stays straight.. this was the only thing I missed back at home, my hair is tamer in the uk..must be the humidty and the water... I looked glam when I took pics at the valparasio restaurant must of been the dark tan I got..
Hi kazza - have you seen the thread 'my hair'? (One page back on the General Forum) On it was a recommendation for Lee Stafford hair spray for frizzy hair and it actually works! Have a read if your interested. All best - Jenny x

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