I'm finding the uploading process a bit awkward, having to describe the photograph, before it's actually upladed. Doing it this way, you have to browse for the photo, then go back to describe it, then return to the photo to select it for upload. Wouldn't it be easier to just upload the pic first and then add a description?
I will upload my recent photos as soon as I have some time to spare but keep putting it off because of the fuss.
I wonder if others have been put off loading their media because of it.
I would think so, to much mucking about to add a picture

I think if you are not prepared for it to happen it can bring on a few swear words so now I choose the pictures I want to upload by their numbers on my pc and then write down my descriptions/titles ahead of uploading .
I'm hoping Alfiesaint is reading these posts so he can look into it for us because we were told it was being looked into last August and that probably it would be dealt with at the next update

I don't know whether Van or Alfiesaint are subscribed to this topic in order to monitor comments or problems, all I can do is make Van aware that there are further posts and hope he will be able to deal with them for you. Not sure if all of Alfiesaint's time might perhaps be taken up on the media galleries and whether he actually visits the forums at all, or if you may have a better chance of catching his attention by sending him a PM on the other site.
Thanks David- I'll send him a pm.
I've had a reply from Alfiesaint and he's now aware of the difficulties. He's going to speak with Van to see if they can sort something as he says that if it's putting people off uploading pics, something needs to be done.
Doing it this way, you have to browse for the photo, then go back to describe it, then return to the photo to select it for upload. Wouldn't it be easier to just upload the pic first and then add a description?
Why are you doing it that way.?
You click the upload tab, write the description, insert the tags and press 'upload', then press browse and your picture folder should open and you should be able to locate the photo that you've just described and then just insert it.
If I want to upload a photo of Sydney Harbour Bridge, after I've filled in all the boxes and clicked browse, my pictures folder opens and I can see or locate the photo (if it's in a sub folder) of the Sydney Harbour Bridge that I want.
I think the process is a lot easier if: A) know where your photos are. B) know which photo you intend to upload before you start the process.
I've uploaded 11 videos in the last few weeks and found no problem with the system at all.

Hi Sanji - I don't have problems uploading, but found it easier as it was before, when you could browse for the picture first, then do the description.
I think the process is a lot easier if: A) know where your photos are. B) know which photo you intend to upload before you start the process.
I think that's the point Sanji. Say for instance I've taken loads of photos, I need to have a bit of a browse first to see which ones I'm going to upload as I can't remember all the pics I've taken and I'm obviously not going to post them all. It takes a lot more time than if you could upload and then describe according to what pic you've chosen.
I think that's the point Sanji. Say for instance I've taken loads of photos, I need to have a bit of a browse first to see which ones I'm going to upload as I can't remember all the pics I've taken and I'm obviously not going to post them all. It takes a lot more time than if you could upload and then describe according to what pic you've chosen
You need to get more organised Shirl and put the photos that you intend to share into another folder, it makes it a darn sight easier than wading through hundreds of photos.
Can you image how much junk I have with the video footage? I've vids for HT, vids for my website, vids to make into a DVD, vids for rendering, vids in the project mode and all the 'extras' like sound and transitions, plus all my photos.
I created a folder and called it Vids4HT, so, you could do a bit of computer housekeeping and create a folder and call it HTphotos and drop all your photos that you want to share into it, then they should be easy to locate.......I wouldn't want to make a mistake and show me in a bikini.

Good idea that Sanji - now why didn't I think of it
You need to get more organised Shirl and put the photos that you intend to share into another folder, it makes it a darn sight easier than wading through hundreds of photos.
I keep a separate folder for each holiday so they're easy to locate but even if I had a folder with only 5 pics in, that I'd created especially to share I'd still have to describe each of those 5 from memory. I don't know if it's just me but I think if you have a few pictures they're much easier to describe if they're in front of you rather than trying to recall them from memory.
If I came back from holiday say a month ago and it's only now I'm getting a chance to upload my pics, doing it the old way I wouldn't have to open my pictures first to decide which ones to upload as the upload process automatically took me to 'browse' before I'd have to start describing the picture- I'm not sure if I'm making sense but a few members seem to agree

I obviously do it different to you because I have two windows open, my folder where the pictures are that I want to upload, and the HT/TV site, that way all my photos are in front of me and I don't have to use my memory.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Uploaded with ImageShack.us
I obviously do it different to you because I have two windows open, my folder where the pictures are that I want to upload, and the HT/TV site, that way all my photos are in front of me and I don't have to use my memory.
Brilliant solution- I never thought of that

That's what I'll do from now on.
Thanks Sanji, helpful as ever

Thanks Sanji - that's what I'l be doing from now on.

It just makes it so much easier, if for example, I want to upload/talk about the yellow caravan, the picture and the name/ number is there in front of me, which also makes it easier to locate when HT/TV opens up the folder because I could have two photos of a yellow caravan in that folder like number 15 and number 21, and it's number 15 I want.
Sanji x
I might load another one now Sanji, having 2 windows open to see how I get on- I think it should be much quicker.

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